Hi Community,
In the series of APIs in Atlassian Universe, here we look at Bitbucket APIs that allow us to interact with our access to Bitbucket with Workspaces, Projects, and Repositories.
Token created in our Bitbucket Account will help us to access API endpoints and authenticate to Bitbucket Cloud
To create a Token, login into your account and navigate to the URL - https://bitbucket.org/account/settings
In the App Passwords section, create an App Password with the name and appropriate scope for you to either just read the contents in your workspace, or modify to perform some configurations.
Create the Token with appropriate Permissions
List of App Passwords
To Clone the Repository using the Token, the syntax would be
git clone https://username:token@bitbucket.org/workspace-name/repo-name.git
Replace the token with the actual token you have generated in the App Passwords section
You will get the username when you clone the repo by default and it can be found in the Profile Settings section
Most users in Bitbucket have the requirement to interact with the Groups endpoint and add the users to the repository and such scenarios are supported by the v1 version of Bitbucket Cloud API - v1 Bitbucket APIs
Bitbucket Groups API - Here
APIs query and manipulate the group privileges - Here
Endpoints Support in Bitbucket Groups v1 REST APIs
Below are the examples of Bitbucket APIs
Note: jq should be installed to extract the JSON response and the terminal should be bash or Linux environment or git terminal will also work
List all Repositories in a Workspace
curl -s -X GET --user "${username}:${token}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --url "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/${workspace}?pagelen=${pagelen}&page=${pageno}" | jq -r ".values[] | [.project.name, .slug, .updated_on, .size] | @csv" | awk -F "," 'BEGIN { OFS=", " } {print $1, $2, substr($3,1,11), $4}' | tr -d '"'
Get User Permissions for a Repository
curl -s -X GET --user "${username}:${token}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --url "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/workspaces/${workspace}/permissions/repositories/${repo}" | jq -r '.values[] | [.repository.name, .user.display_name, .permission] | @csv' | tr -d '"' >> userpermissons.csv
Get Webhooks for a Repository
curl -s -X GET --user "${username}:${token}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --url "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories/${workspace}/${repo}/hooks" | jq -r '.values[] | [.subject.name, .url] | @csv' | tr -d '"'
Here are some examples of how to use v1 APIs and get the information of groups, permissions in a repository, and other such information
Get Group Permissions for a Repository
curl -s --request GET --user "${username}:${token}" "https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/group-privileges/${workspace}/${repo}" | jq -r '.[] | [.repository.slug, .group.slug, .privilege] | @csv' | tr -d '"' >> groupspermissons.csv
Update Group with Read Permission for a Repository
curl -s --request PUT --user "${username}:${token}" https://api.bitbucket.org/1.0/group-privileges/${workspace}/${reponame}/${workspace}/${groupname} --data "read"
Hope the Guide to the Bitbucket API will enrich your knowledge and help you with the required actions you want to achieve in your work
Do let us know if there are useful suggestions, better improvements, and helpful tips on how you manage the automation
Pramodh M
DevSecOps Consultant
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