Atlassian Python API's

Hi Community,

The article here explained how to create a token in your Atlassian Account

To get started on APIs - Here's the Guide -> Link

In this article let us look at the Atlassian API using Python and the various approaches to using Python Modules to authenticate with Atlassian Account and interact with the APIs

One of the Modules I occasionally use is the atlassian-python-api module

Install the atlassian-python-api module

pip install atlassian-python-api

Below is the sample code to authenticate to Atlassian Account where we mention the site, email as username, password, and cloud option as 'True'

from atlassian import Jira

jira = Jira(





jql_request ='project = WSP AND issuetype = Story'

# '"epic link" = WSP-144'

issues = jira.jql(jql_request)


The methods we extract the data from Cloud are extensive and methods are flexible

Below is another example of the abstract way to get the data

# This code sample uses the 'requests' library:


import requests

from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

import json

import base64

url = ""

credentials = "Basic " + base64.b64encode("email:token".encode("ascii")).decode("ascii")

headers = {

   "Accept": "application/json",

   "Authorization": credentials


response = requests.request(





print(json.dumps(json.loads(response.text), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))

There are other modules as well one such popular is

Do let us know how you are using Jira modules or Atlassian Python Modules to Interact with Atlassian Sites



Matt Doar
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July 27, 2022

Have you seen any differences in using the various Python libraries to work with the Atlassian REST APIs, particularly for Jira?

Like William Kennedy likes this
Hari Suresh
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December 21, 2022

can you tell me how to add label for the jira ticket ? 

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Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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September 7, 2023
Like Isaias Hernandez T_ likes this
Gonchik Tsymzhitov
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September 7, 2023

@Matt Doar yeap :) 

sometimes I use non fully published methods or internals/experimental. 

Also, sometimes I like to use wrapped code, as it's easy to go 

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I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 4, 2024

With this app you can code python directly from Jira cloud

The docs are on confluence and accessible from the app itself:

Like Gonchik Tsymzhitov likes this


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