Bulk add and remove users to and from multiple groups

Do you want to bulk upload users to and from multiple groups? If yes, then continue reading this article. The BulkOps app for Jira has many features, you might even call it a dozen feature set of possibilities that helps with users and groups management for Jira and Jira Service Management on Atlassian cloud.

One of these features is the ability to bulk add users to groups or multiple groups or bulk remove users from groups or multiple groups. With this feature, an administrator can perform all the group management features for their organization with ease.

An administrator can start by formatting their file structure as shown below, which they can use in updating their customer set.


For multiple groups addition or removal, use this character ~> as a delimiter between each group name. Please ensure that your file structure follows the example shown above. It must be a 3 column file structure and the file should be saved in UTF-8 character encoding. Failure to do so will result in not getting the desired result.

In fact, if you are migrating from Jira server or Jira data center, you can easily bulk create groups on Jira and perform the entire operation using just this single app. Another fact is that all these operations are free to use. There’s no limit to the number of times you can perform any bulk operations on the app.

See other articles that mention the features the app has by visiting the below links

For details about the kind of features available, please visit the tutorial page. Therefore, if you are attempting to massively update users into a group then the BulkOps app for Jira would help you do just that.



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