JQL or Automation to "Find the Other Children of the Parent"

Patrick Chen January 28, 2021

Hello, we are trying out Jira Software Cloud with the basic Automation tool.

This is the desired scenario and Automation:

Story ABC-1 with Subtasks ABC-2, ABC-3, ABC-4.
ABC-1 has a parent link issue relationship with ABC-2, ABC-3, ABC-4. 
Subtasks ABC-2, ABC-3, ABC-4 do not have any direct link issue relationship with each other.

When a field, ie. text field "Assigned Team", on Subtask ABC-2 is updated, I want to run an Automation that updates ABC-3 and ABC-4 to the same value for "Assigned Team".

However, I am having trouble thinking of a way to "find the other children of the parent" in a JQL or pre-baked Automation filter.

Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated. Thank you!

1 answer

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Mark Chaimungkalanont
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 28, 2021

You should be able to use the related issues / issue branches feature with a JQL. The JQL search could then find the "siblings" tickets and the edit the assignee for these

e.g.  a JQL with:

parent = {{issue.parent.key}}


You'll probably need to add more conditions here (check that it's a subtask etc) but ho[efully should be enough to get you going!

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