Email change

Steve A Farrand February 4, 2021

How can we change the emails of users?  (the company have changed name).

2 answers

1 vote
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 4, 2021

This is an often asked and answered question in the Community. Here is a recent one - Org-and-Site-Admins-can-t-change-email-addresses 

if your domain is not verified then you will have to have each individual go to and change or look to addon solutions to address. 

0 votes
John Funk
Community Leader
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February 4, 2021

Hi Steve,

We are about to do a bulk change to our email addresses as our Domain has changed.

If you are using a managed account with a verified domain, this is the advice we received from Atlassian Support:

Break down each step for this procedure below:

  1. Export a list of your managed accounts (click on Export accounts (You put your unique orgainization id where it says YourOrgId). Now with the exported CSV file, create a new column to hold the value for the new email address and fill their respective values for each user.
  2. Verify the domain or the new email address and claim its accounts;
  3. Build a script to read the csv file and for each row, make a request to the API
    1. Generate an admin API key as a way to authenticate your actions using the API. Create an admin API key
    2. Write a script of your desired language to read each line of the CSV file we have prepared in the above steps and call the user management API.
      Example below:

3.  curl --request PUT \

4.    --url '{account_id}/manage/email' \

5.    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \

6.    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

7.    --data '{

8.    "email": $newEmail}'

As documented here:

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