Does membersOf work with Teams?

James A Rosen December 8, 2020

I created a team named "EPD Leads" and invited a few members of my organization to it. Then I created a filter with the following JQL query:

assignee in membersOf("EPD Leads")

 When I run the filter, I get

Function 'membersOf' can not generate a list of usernames for group 'EPD Leads'; the group does not exist.

I've also tried

  1. renaming the group "EPD-Leads" and changing the query
  2. renaming the group "epdleads" and changing the query
  3. using the team ID instead of the team name in the query

This question suggests that I'm doing this right.

2 answers

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Trudy Claspill
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December 8, 2020

Hello @James A Rosen 

I have not tested this, but based on my research the membersOf function only works for User Groups; groups set up through User Management. I don't think membersOf is intended to work for Teams.

If your team membership is static you can instead filter using "assignee in (<explicit list of users>)". Or, you can duplicate the Team as a User Group and then use the membersOf function.

If you are trying to get a Team based summary and you have individuals who are members of multiple Teams, then you are going to have to ensure that the Team field is filled out and base your filter on that. If you have individuals who are members of multiple Teams and you filter based on the individual assignee, then that individual's work would show up multiple times, in the summary for each Team to which they belong. 

0 votes
James A Rosen December 8, 2020

This seems like a duplicate of this question. The answers there indicate that membersOf doesn't work with Teams and that I need to instead ensure the Team field gets filled out for issues. But that doesn't work well for the case when a single person is a member of multiple teams and you want to see their work in each Team summary.

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