This guide is designed to assist users in utilizing the Forms API to automatically submit or reopen forms.
If you need to handle multiple forms, please refer to the following article:
The request method will be PUT:
- Your Cloud ID (not Org ID) is needed. Find it in the URL by visiting https://<instance>
Tip: The Org ID appears as /o/ before the ID (e.g.,<org_id>), while the Cloud ID appears as /s/ (e.g.,<cloud_id>).
- Use smart values like {{}} or {{issue.key}} to dynamically add the issue ID or key.
- Access the formId using smart values such as {{issue.forms.formTemplateID}}.
For more information about using forms smart values, please refer to the article below:
- Using Forms Smart Values
Watch the automation rule in action below:
The request method will also be PUT:
- Follow the same steps as above. See the automation rule in action below:
Note: Ensure the "Delay execution of..." option is enabled. This ensures the rule waits for the web request to complete before proceeding, which is crucial when the outcome affects subsequent automation steps.
Bruno Altenhofen
Atlassian Engineer - The guy from Proforma(Jira Forms)
Krakow - Poland
1 accepted answer