Question Filter Scope in Assets

DG January 17, 2025

Hi folks,

We have some questions in our following Assets configuration:

Object scheme

Object type

- Customer

- Service Category

 - Services

 - Service Items


Filter Scope (AQL): objecttype = Customer

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): ("CST-group" having user("currentReporter()")) OR ("EXT-group" having user("currentReporter()")) OR ("CST-group" not having user("currentReporter()") AND "Group" having user("currentReporter()"))


Filter Scope (AQL): objectType = "Service Category"

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): (objectType = "Service Category" AND object HAVING inboundReferences(objectType = "Services" AND object HAVING inboundReferences(objecttype = Customer AND "Customername" IN ${customfield_10310.label}))))


Filter Scope (AQL): objectType = Services

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): object HAVING inboundReferences(objectType = Customer AND "Customername" IN (${customfield_10310.label})) AND object HAVING outboundReferences(objectType = "Service Category" AND "Name" IN (${customfield_10311.label}))


Filter Scope (AQL): objecttype = "Service Item"

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): (objectType = "Service Item") AND ("Service"."Name" = ${customfield_10403.label})


  • The selection is hierarchical from the top to the down
  • Customer and next the "Service Category" then the "Services" and at least the "Service Item"

However, I would like to build also a reverse search from bottom to top. 


Service Item

Filter Scope (AQL): objecttype = "Service Item"

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): objectType = "Service Item" AND ("Service"."Name" = ${customfield_10403.label}) OR (objectType = "Service Item")



Filter Scope (AQL): objectType = Services

Filter Issue Scope (AQL): object HAVING inboundReferences(objectType = Customer AND "Customername" IN (${customfield_10310.label})) AND object HAVING outboundReferences(objectType = "Service Category" AND "Name" IN (${customfield_10311.label})) or objectType = "Services" AND object HAVING inboundReferences(objectType = "Service Item" AND "Name" = ${customfield_10403.label})


It works, but only just about ;-)


Service Item

  • The list is unfiltered, everything is displayed.


  • Only the services that is linked to the service item is displayed.


However, from the top to bottom, nothing appears in the service item.

The list remains empty.

Do you have an idea, why the filter in "Service item" doesn't works as expected?

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