It would appear you can not override "other" configs with branch-overrides. The docs lead me to believe all configuration is valid and should be merged appropriately, however my experiences have show...
Recently i upgraded our bamboo server from 6.3.1 server version to 9.6 data center version.I followed the documentation and did a step by step upgrade. After the upgrade, I am able to build and...
Hi Our Bamboo Maintenance expired beginning of this year currently we are useing version 9.3.x But which is the latest supported version for us? How to find this information? &nb...
Hey team, We have below configuration in Bamboo: Stage 1: Task 1 : Build Task 2 : Maven test suite 1 Task 3 : M...
On the initial page for a plan it says "master" as the branch and has a pull-down to choose a different branch. We are never going to use master again. How do we get some other branch to be sh...
Hi all, We specify in each plan and repository full paths to external stuff like svn repos, test files or test file repos, etc. If we change the location of one of those things the result is ...
We are using Bamboo data center 7.2.1 in windows server. As per the upgrade path , to upgrade to version 9.6.5, We need to follow the path 7.2.1 → 8.0.12 → 9.6.5. As I am new to Bamboo, can...
Hello, I have this error on my bamboo 6.3.2 since May of this year: "unable to download artifact shared artifact: [build variables], pattern:[**/build variables.txt]" And the only solution ...
Is anyone using bamboo with the cloud version of jira? How easy or hard is it to manage?
Hi can someone explain why is the Temporary directory C:\Atlassian-bamboo\Bamboo\temp grown to about 180GB ? And how safe is it to delete it completely currently finding mixed o...
...ert; however, when the Private Key filter was applied, 0 certs were left. It seems that the automated Bamboo is seeing the public certificate, but doesn't have access to the private c...
Bamboo installation fails after going through the Configure database step version: 9.5.4 on windows 10 databaseurl is jdbc:mysql://
Hi, In an older Bamboo version there was a local agent which was able to run several "workers" at the same time. These workers shared resources, one of them is the storage. So, if I had a "check o...
Anyone seen this before? Caused by: com.atlassian.bamboo.plugins.git.GitCommandException: command ['C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe' submodule update --init --recursive] failed with code 128. W...
I have a customer build using the base image for the bamboo remote agent, in docker hub ...
Hello, I am trying to create a python virtual environment and install private packages with SSH protocol from requirements.txt file. Its content looks like this: package1 @ git+ssh://git@bitbucket....
Hi all, I have bamboo server on Linux and client on Windows PC. when I try to install remote agent on the windows PC I get this error: INFO | jvm 1 | 2024/07/18 09:40:36 | 2024-07-18 09:40:3...
is it possible to pass Bamboo project or plan variable to ephemeral agent template YAML file? how to handle bamboo variable when using ephemeral agent
Hi I'm new to Bamboo world and I'm having a problem while trying to run Job in Docker Container. 'C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources\bin\docker.exe run --volume C:\Users\Andrzej\bamboo...
I need to setup some environment variables and queue the last successful version for deployment using a python script. I'm doing something like this to get the last deployed versionId: url = f...
Team , We have an issue where Bamboo is too slow in particular tiemings what could be the issue . we are using version 6.8.0
We have a number of build plans that are working (i.e., calling the scripts and commands that we configured). However, we have one plan that does nothing when you run it manually or when it detects a...
The script task to get the result feedback from jira is failing if the time it takes is more than 5 minutes so how can we solve this problem
Today we use Bamboo 9.6.3 and Java Specs. After some reading i found that it support Java 11 (End of life Oct 2024). Will there be support for Java version >= 17?
I'm trying to reference ${bamboo.shortPlanBranchName} in my build plan It works for branches other than the default branch, ...
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