I see Bamboo Slowness in particular time

Rajesh kalyanam
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July 8, 2024

Team ,

We have an issue where Bamboo is too slow in particular tiemings what could be the issue .

we are using version



1 answer

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Shashank Kumar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
July 8, 2024

Hello Rajesh,

Welcome to Atlassian community.

There could be multiple reasons why Bamboo would be slow, here you have mentioned that you see this behaviour at particular timings, you can check few things.


1. If you see that the behaviour is seen at particular timings, please check if there are any backup's scheduled at those timings

2. Are there multiple builds which runs at those timings.

3. Are there are expiry process scheduled

These are just few things which possibly can affect, the best way to check this would be to refer <bamboo-home>logs>atlassian-bamboo.log file and see what is Bamboo server during this time.

You should also monitor system resources like CPU, Heap and GC logging to check if there are any discrepancies during this time.


Shashank Kumar

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