How can I report (JQL) on reporter attributes? i.e. I have a reporter with 'AD Department' as an attribute - so I want to show all tickets logged where the reporter has AD Department = DEPT NAME.
Managing @mentions and notifications in Jira has long been a pain point for users. Important updates are easily lost among a flood of notifications, and Jira's default tools don’t provide effective w...
We have a portal for our JSM instance which anyone can access. When the issues are created the reporter defaults to our site admin, instead of the email of the user (required field for submission). H...
Hi Community, I want to allow the currentUser as Reporter to edit the Reporter field on a specific Status (like "Open") only if he is NOT a part of particular Groups (like Group A, Group B, Group C...
...ealizar el cambio? Gracias Hello community, I wanted to know if you could guide me on how to change the reporter. I have the permission assigned to the administrator and to my user i...
Hi Community, I want to know if we are able to open Reporter assignment page as similar to /secure/AssignIssue!default.jspa?id=<page-id> in Jira data center? Please guide which class we can u...
I have an Analytics Dashboard, and I'm having trouble adding and working with the Jira [Reporter] field. I need to include [Reporter] Name in all my listings of Jira tickets and graphs and also use i...
...My use-case is: In Issue Edit Screen, I want to hide Tab B from the current user as Reporter if a value in the custom field (present on Tab A) is selected under Status A. Please guide on how I can r...
...My use-case is: In Issue Edit Screen, I want to hide Tab B from the current user as Reporter if a value in the custom field (present on Tab A) is selected under Status A. Please guide on how I can r...
...pic Reporter as the Reporter for each, and assigning the Assignee to one of the subtasks. I've had this working as a test case for a number of weeks. Today I went to change the rule details to swap "C...
...mail requests, customers receive notifications. I want my customers to receive an email notification when there is a new comment on the ticket they are the reporter of. Issues are created by API, and t...
...ddresses, and the sender (third party) is in the reporter field and sometimes in the request participants field. Once the ticket is created, we want all third parties to be removed from the t...
...etter way to do this than to automate the editing of the reporter field after the idea is generated? Thankyou.
Hello, Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong with my automation? The only field not printing to the summary of our tickets is the reporter's name. Basically, we are hoping to update the s... is all working well. When I try to update the reporter field with a name from the AD who is not a Jira user, my automation fails with the message: "The reporter specified is not a user". H...
Hello, "reporter": "Field while importing the file CSV with the test cases : The column 'reporter' generats an error : "reporter": "Field 'reporter' cannot be set. I...
Hi, I am trying to set up a Smartsheet connecter with my org's Jira to list any tickets created by my team members. The Reporter format would either be an email address or by last name, first name. I...
...bsp; I'd like to have an out of office message every time a user comments on an issue, and the reporter is on leave. Can your app do that? My first answer was: no, that's not how the app works! But I...
I have an automation set up for a "service desk A" where an issue is created and creates issues with a specific request type for "service desk B" and "service desk C" How do I update the reporter f...
...n email notification from a request. We like this feature and want to keep it. However, they often include the reporter's email in their replies too. This leads to the reporter of the issue being a...
I have set an automation rule where once the user creates an epic, it will automatically create an issue. However, if anyone else tries to create an epic, the creator and reporter of automatically g...
When using the Jira Service Management Widget embedded in my webpage I can translate all fields by configuring the default language in the project, however the email field shows a "Your contact e-mai...
I noticed only the admin can change the reporter of the JPD idea. Is this an admin only feature? Seems odd that the creator role or even the contributor themselves cannot change the reporter as t...
...he ticket and sub-tasks from scratch. I am looking for a way to either clone with 'reporter' blank or to change the reporter on the issue and all sub-task without changing them one by one....
Hi everybody, I want to change the Reporter for some issues with the value of a custom filed named "Ouvrir ce ticket pour le compte de". The custom field is a user picker field and it w...
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