I was recently asked if there was a way to be notified when a card has been inactive for a certain period of time, and although there's not necessarily a certain way out of the box, but you can confi...
Ever wondered how the jolliest gift-giver keeps track of everything this time of the year? 🎅 I have been wondering for years, and as a productivity enthusiast, I just had to know: How does on...
Hello Community! My name is Brittany Joiner and I am a Trello enthusiast and Atlassian Community Leader. I'll be sharing with you a series of videos with my top tips on how to best use Trello...
On Saturday 31st, October 2020. Atlassian User group Gombe hosted the first Trello events at National Library Gombe. The event was open to the public; out of 51 rsvp’d, 34 people were in attendance....
I recently wrote a post about the Future of Trello and wanted to share and discuss some of the thinking behind the direction we are evolving the product over the next year. Let's start with the hie...
If you're looking to Trello-fy your weekly video calls, we put together a handful of awesome options (just right-click, and save to your computer). Click through to thi...
Remote work is becoming increasingly desirable and almost expected, Zapier recently confirmed in its remote work report. In fact, the percentage of people in the United States who work remotely full-...
I've been helping out the Crmble team this year because I'm super impressed with what they're doing. They've automated a lot of things I initially wrote about building out from scratch in my Trello b...
Ever wonder how the Trello integration with Dropbox might be used in higher education? If so, this is the Community post for you! Atlassian's Customer Marketing team recently connected with&n...
Power-Ups help teams meet their unique business needs through adaptable features and integrations. It allows you to bring additional features to your boards and integrate your favorite apps...
I frequently see people asking about how to select multiple cards at once in Trello. The typical use case is to move lots of cards from one board to another, or one list to another. There is no "sel...
Some of us are lucky enough to have more jewellery than we could possibly wear all at once. As we get distracted by day-to-day activties we can easily leave precious items out of sight. Ofte...
Thе рrоblеm mаnу ѕtаrtuрѕ hаvе with dеdiсаtеd рrоjесt management ѕоftwаrе iѕ thаt it оftеn rеԛuirеѕ ѕо much timе tо mаѕtеr. Thаt, аnd itѕ mоѕt uѕеful vеrѕiоnѕ tеnd tо come аt a рriсе. If уоu саn livе...
If you haven't heard of Mini-Habits, the basic idea is that you can establish habits slowly over time by setting very low expectations. If you want to meditate for 20 minutes, set a daily goal of med...
Today at my vACE our amazing @Erica Moss spoke about „how Atlassian teams use Trello“. and what more to say than: I wanna use Trello more too 😊 Mission accomplished Erica ✅😊  ...
If you're not already on the Beta Testing App on iOS, you can get there by going into your account settings and tapping on "Be a Beta Tester". When you first do this, you'll go to a page to install T...
Due to impact of Covid-19 the in-person Atlassian Summit and the Atlassian Leader events were no longer possible. Everyone was very disappointed however the outstanding Atlassian Community jumped in ...
I have not been on Community a lot these last few months, my days since April have been jam packed and since I am online and talking to people all day I have made an effort to put my computer and pho...
In every household there's a long list of mindless tasks that need to be done periodically. The tendency is to put such things into a roster or calendar to be shared but the problem with these tasks ...
Every day my daughter needs to practise her spelling words for school. She gets a list from the teacher and she needs someone to read them out to her, while she writes them down. The trouble is that...
Siri Shortcuts (previously Workflows) has really improved over the past couple of years and one of the biggest improvements I've seen is the ability to run a shortcut using a voice command. My favou...
Power-Ups allow you to bring additional features to your boards and integrate your favorite apps right into Trello. They can pull information and data from outside services directly into Trello, givi...
New and noteworthy in Trello: Card colors and full covers are here! Card attachments can now be displayed on the front as full-sized covers, and you also have the ability to change the color o...
A lot of us have had our worlds turned upside down a bit lately, and in the midst of all the chaos, we’ve found ways to adapt. It’s something that always inspires me about humanity - our resiliency t...
I’ve been working with the Crmble team for a couple of months now, and they just released an exciting feature that is useful for lots of users… not just those of us creating CRMs in our Trello boards...