Power-Ups allow you to bring additional features to your boards and integrate your favorite apps right into Trello. They can pull information and data from outside services directly into Trello, givi...
Power-Ups allow you to bring additional features to your boards and integrate your favorite apps right into Trello. They can pull information and data from outside services directly into Trello, givi...
I wanted to send a note of thanks to Trello and share a way to use Trello with the community. The last several weeks have been a challenging time. My wife and I are fortunate to be in good health a...
I can't believe it's actually taken me this long to do this, but today I finally decided to move my reading list over from Goodreads to Trello and I'M SO EXCITED. I'm still working on getting ...
Recently discovered yet another great use for Trello... using Trello to manage relationships of people you want to help advocate and promote your product! Depending on your company, we all call this ...
Why is it that when we’re using the last jar/bottle/packet of something we don’t put it on the shopping list? I don’t know why! Is it just my house? Is it just the people who live in my house (includ...
The Crmble Trello Power-Up just recently launched and it easily turns your board into a way to manage contacts. While it's main use is as a CRM, I realized there's actually a couple other ways you ca...
When you're working remotely (whether you're new to it or not), it can be a challenge to make sure you're staying connected to those around you. Even in this time of social distancing and avoiding be...
So, if anyone has been watching my articles for a while, you’ll know I’m all about using Google Slides for creating card covers and just about anything else that it wasn’t meant for! With this i...
Hey friends! Join us for a Trello webinar focused on remote teams. We’ll be highlighting some of the challenges employees are facing when attempting to adapt to remote work. We’ll also be ...
When working remotely, all your days can start to blend together. When that happens, it's easy to get burnt out. Which is... less than ideal. To help, I recommend using Trello (are you sur...
With all the talk of remote work lately, people are finding more ways to contribute and connect with others, I thought I'd share a board that I find helpful as I work remotely with my team. I ...
If you had to thrive a new habit during a lockdown, what would it be? Trello
I know working remotely is a bit of an adjustment for most people, but thankfully Trello makes it a little easier. I've been working remotely for over two years now, and I've learned a lot along the ...
Just letting everyone know that at the moment, Atlassian are offering their Cloud services for free: We’re making our remote-friendly software products available for free. In addition to this, ...
...ou’re right, back in September 2018, we celebrated our 100th public Power-Up. But, behind every great public Power-Ups is a private Power-Up! What is a private Power-Up? A private Power-Up is a c...
I don’t know if you’ve ever had a ‘holy shit’ moment with your computer? Where everything disappeared and you had to start again? And I do mean EVERYTHING! I had this happen last week. I looked at m...
MAKING WAVES: MOVING WORK FORWARD For decades the surf industry has had only one popular type of method for getting grip and traction onto a board. Whilst performance is not optimal, application als...
I’m an Atlassian and have been for nearly 4 years but I used Trello long before I became an Atlassian. In my spare time, I’m an Angora goat farmer. My wife and I raise them for their fiber, have it c...
Hello, The February theme is Trello, and I would like to tell You about how this products helps me. Soft-Development - No, for this task I use JIRA+Bitbucket. Once upon a time, I had been evaluati...
...urned to Dr. Google and searched for other’s public boards. Eventually, I’ve created four boards that my partner and I used to manage all relocation-related tasks. My endless excel was finally dead. M...
Speaking of Trello, the level of adoption at Botron is more like a personal preference. Even if it's not directly connected to our team initiatives, Trello helps each person perform better and keep i...
...had faith that we would be capable of crafting a better solution than we had today. Because I was the one to say something, I was tasked with proving my statement to be true! Where do I s...
Hi there! I'm a product manager on the Trello team and we're trying to better understand how folks manage multiple Trello boards and projects and how we might improve it for you. We...
When I got appointed as the Marketing Specialist at TechTime in October 2019, I was introduced to the world of Atlassian. Working in tech, I knew about the tools - but never been exposed to it. At f...