Today when I went to add a package via SPM in Xcode 16.0, the "Recently Used Loading..." spinner ran and never stopped. I could not add any packages. The packages I am loading are remote and not f...
I have never been as frustrated as I have been with this. All I am trying to do is setup Xcode to connect to a bitbucket repository and all I seem to get is an error about loading owners. I s...
The build agent is a docker container that runs on my local machine. I know that Xcode cannot run on Linux but was wondering if this would be possible to somehow trigger xcodebuild on my machine u...
I have personal and work accounts on BitBucket. How do I switch XCode (which integrates with git) from using my personal BitBucket account to using my work BitBucket account?
Trying to create a BitBucket Cloud account in Xcode 12 GM with my username and app password it hangs until I cancel. My real password is rejected immediately. This worked fine in previous Xcode...
I am trying to connect to my Bitbucket Cloud account in Xcode, but it always fails with "Your account or password is incorrect". I'm certain this happens because of our SSO solution. I tried s...
I changed the name of my Xcode project from A to B by mistake. My Xcode project is synced with Bitbucket cloud. I then found that 2 of my folders under the folder Views - called C...
Hello Atlassian Team, I have a Bamboo agent installed in Linux server. The problem is I can't install Xcode in Linux OS, so my question is can I use AppCode instead of Xcode with B...
All of a sudden I have begun getting the message: The remote repository rejected commits. whenever I try to commit and push to BitBucket from XCode 11.2 It seems as if the push is s...
I used Tower (3.5.1) to sign into my Bitbucket account and make some change to another repo. Went back to XCode (11.2 beta) on macOS (10.14.6) to push changes for a second repo and started to get "A...
...t occurs when I push to the repo. Does anybody know the best way to fix this? Also I use the repo to allow collaboration on the Xcode project. Thanks for your help and I hope to hear from s...
...crun xcodebuild \ -exportArchive \ -archivePath $CUSTOM_WORKING_DIRECTORY/build/Integration/AppMobile-iOS.xcarchive \ -exportPath $CUSTOM_WORKING_DIRECTORY/build/Integration/E...
I have the same problem as described here However, topic is dead o...
I had 3 separate Xcode projects. All 3 were pushed to individual remote repos on bitbucket. I decided to combine these 3 projects, so I dragged some files and folders from 2 projects into the main o...
I am trying to run a build that contains an Xcode task. The Xcode task is provided by the Xcode Bamboo plugin. Bamboo will not execute the task because it claims that the agent does not meet t...
I have a xcodebuild task that fails with the error: xcodebuild: error: '' is not a workspace file. But, the job does not contain a worskspace file, and neither does the project. I use a project file....
I have 7 XCTest targets in Xcode. When run locally they all pass. When run via Bamboo agent (same system that passed local run) around 2-4% of the test cases will randomly fail and t...
I have 7 XCTest targets in Xcode. When run locally they all pass. When run via Bamboo agent (same system that passed local run) around 2-4% of the test cases will randomly fail and t...
Hello! I am trying to parse and send Xcode server build/test report to JIRA but not sure how to do it. Any help will be appreciated!
I cannot seem to create a new repo from my working machine onto a remote Xcode Server although the permissions seem fine. I can create a new repo on the server (outside of SourceTree) and then c...
Hi, when I Push from Xcode to my Bitbucket git repo, the commit is recorded as being made by Anonymous. Is there a way to change Xcode's behaviour to post with my bitbucket id? thanks, Daniel
Hi I'm new to Jira + AddOns Looking for the best way to set up my Xcode 5's GIT reposotory to work with Stash on our Mac server? And also to make it interact w Jira / Jira Agile etc? Any s...
I am running Xcode 5 and have a BitBucket Mercurial repo setup, which I have cloned locally. I cannot, however, connect to either from within Xcode via the Mercurial (Creaceed) plugin. Has anyone o...
I have a Bamboo server installed on my Windows7 OS,how can I do the continuos integration tests to the Xcode projects that I get from SVN repository?
Do you plan to add any support for compiling from workspaces instead of projects to the Bamboo Xcode plugin? Would be greatly appreciated!
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