...equirements and test cases. So, how can you confidently guarantee that every single requirement is accounted for, validated, and tested? The solution lies in using a Traceability Matrix. This tool w...
...apabilities allow teams to centralize documentation, streamline workflows, and ensure traceability, all critical for GAMP5. Here’s how to leverage Confluence Cloud for GAMP5: Centralized D...
I'd like to trace my Zephyr test cases to our design inputs - which will be jira cards with SIERRA LABS Id's. So can I trace my tests - not just to jira cards, but to a custom text field on tha...
Hey, I can't get a traceability report generated in a way, to include only requirements covered in certain test plan. I have nice set of test plans, each contains bunch of t...
...ust if you are planning to enter the US governative market. The NIST Special Publication (SP) 800 series applies to US federal agencies, organizations and their suppliers/subcontractors when c...
...isk Management from Excel to Jira support risk traceability, data connectivity and team collaboration. Specific Risk apps are useful if you wish to maintain the same level of control across your p...
Hello, I'm trying to use the report Xray Requirement Traceability Matrix report but it doesn't generate the file well. I manage to get the traceability matrix through the reports in e...
Hey There, I'm searching for an easy way of creating CI list of a project on Confluence.
We've tried to create a Traceability report for our release test plan and filter on fix version, but then it pulls hundreds of old stories and epics not a part of that fix version. Is there a piece w...
Hi, I am using issue type: sub-bug and bug in my project. When I tried to create traceability report in Xray I noticed that I see (in the column "Defects") only Bugs not Sub-bugs. The only t...
...elpful in requirement traceability to Test Cases as well from an Acceptance criteria drill down level. Thanks, Kanishk
Hi, In my organisation we have bi-monthly meeting combining Product, Tech and Research teams where we are discussing on Ideas from JPD and making a lot of decisions The process I currently us...
...see that the Traceability report captures only Epic -> Story -> Subtask structure. When our Epic is a child of an Initiative/Capability (or any issuetype we set as parent of Epic), the p...
Is it possible to create a filter of an issue to return linked issue summary along with the key, this does not seem to exist. i am trying to build a traceability matrix in confluence for r...
Hi, I woiuld like to custom the shown issue types in my traceability matrix in Jira. I don't want to have subtasks in tha matrix, only stories are needed to show. How could I custom this? &n...
I knew there are many approach for traceability. My Jira is working on Data Center. also Confluencem, Bitsbucket, Bamboo is working also. Based on the basic flow, that is, "V...
We have mix of user stories, some of them will be tested and others will not be. While generating traceability report in Xray, it generates report for all stories within the release. As a r...
For the Traceability Report located under Other in Jira, is it possible to configure the report? For example if I would like to reorder the columns or add more columns, in other words configure the c...
Traceability allows you to trace your requirements through a quality process ensuring you are delivering what was agreed upon in the requirements. It is a key element for managers to monitor t...
I have come in just prior to a PROD release and the project has been asked to produce a traceability matrix. We use Jira for dev and Jira/Zephyr for testing. Test cases are not linked to dev user s...
...hough? What to look for in a good test management app? The tool that you choose should support the entire QA process along with traceability and it should be easy to use. Most of the apps will a...
Hi We are trying to produce a traceability matrix of Jira issues (epics) against design documents in Confluence (wiki) on our Jira Server instance. Jira epics have been tagged on the relevant d...
...onfigured the report screen shot of traceability report output - requirement to defect screen shot of traceability report output - defects to requirement and also a screen shot of m...
...opulate these bugs in Traceability report which does not show now. How do I manually link bugs found with manual validation under 'Test Execution' runs with automation? 2. While creating Traceability...
We store details of releases etc in confluence, for audit reasons we would like to freeze/baseline the jira tickets involved at the point we release. We have jira server and scriptrunner for Jira. ...
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