Good morning (or afternoon or evening) everyone! My company recently rebranded and we just released our 2025 Goals and restated our Core Values. Each of the Leadership Team members is running sessi...
At Atlassian our mission is to help unleash the potential of every team, so it's fair to say that we take teamwork seriously. If you were to take a moment and reflect on the question 'what's needed...
I'm a big fan of the Playbook resources - they're really handy! Hoping to reach the team who maintain them with an error for fixing. Relating to
你不需要非凡才能获得成功。普通人也能成就非凡,前提是愿意做到大多数人不愿意做的事:坚持、耐心、努力、坚定。 @@Farnam Stree [B站] 杭州 Jira 社区五周年活动剪辑来啦! 9月21日下午,我们在未来科技城国际人才园这个开放且舒适的场地,举行了一场主题为“见证成长·拥抱未来”的线下聚会,庆祝杭州 Atlassian 社区成立五周年。来自新加坡、苏州、上海等地...
You’ve landed in the Bitbucket group on the Atlassian Community! We’re happy you’re here, and encourage you to connect, share and learn with us. Feel free to check out the following resources. ...
Welcome to The Agile Corner! This is your home for agile questions, discussions, and community. Did you know th...
When I started my journey managing Atlassian products, I was amazed at the number of our existing Jira users who didn’t understand the basics of Agile and were therefore missing out on a ton of the f...
Happy New Year! We’re kicking off 2024 by featuring @Amanda Barber, a Product Manager, Community Leader, and Atlassian Team Playbook enthusiast. Amanda loves how easy the Team Playbook is to understa...
Compass Communique: December 2023 Hello Compass Community, We’re wrapping up 2023 with a few features that are sure to delight 🎁 - from creating Jira issues in Compass to incoming webho...
Many companies are talking about improving the developer experience these days. There are a lot of opinions out there on whether you can measure developer experience or not. For Atlassian, it means i...
👋 G’day, friends! I just ran the Roles and Responsibilities play with my team, and I want to share 5 tips and tricks from my experience. For folks who are new to this space, the Atlassian Team Pl...
...xploring ways your team can incorporate more customer insights into your work, or general professional development topics that the team is interested in, like public speaking or honing your negotiation s...
Teamwork has never been more important than it is right now. And good, effective teamwork? That comes from teams made up of people with diverse skill sets and backgrounds who approach and view the wo...
I have one template for an engineering playbook. I am looking to have this template used for many services, each with their own section of a confluence space. In order to use the content report table...
I am hoping that the collective conscious and experience of this group will help me with a long term dilemma that I have been struggling with. And no, I am not referring to the struggle over the corr...
It’s that time of year again! Time for us to take a look back and reflect upon how things have gone in 2021 and put some thought into what we’d like to focus on in the year ahead. If we had to take a...
Have you read our new research report? It uncovers the current state of team health in Australia and the U.S. and the news is, well, we'll let you decide... In our research, we discovered that...
We've heard from many that it's hard to get into the Atlassian Team Playbook without starting off with a good facilitator. So here's your chance... For one month only, mid-November throug...
The way work is seen, has changed forever. This new normal requires organizations to "Rearchitect work" to be future-ready. The Upraise Research Council, spoke to 500+ HR leaders across USA, Europe, ...
We know that change is inevitable. And managing the adoption of it? Well... that can be the most tricky part! &nb...
Important: as of August 2023, we will no longer be offering this training in lieu of other training available in development. The articles and Q&A will remain on the Community platform, but the c...
Dear Work Therapist, Trust you're doing well and thanks always for sharing detailed previous insights which helped us really overcome and grow stronger as team. The post for today is regarding inte...
Dear Work Therapist, I trust you are doing well. Thanks for your previous suggestions which really helped the team to sort out issues. This post is to introduce One Team and grow collaborative mind...
Flexible work has been a hot topic for a while now, and it’s not going to cool down anytime soon. Detractors may say it can’t be done, but the truth is, with the right planning and prioritizatio...
We have the unique chance to start anew as a team with two new colleagues and two open-minded "old ones". What are your top three tips for a great start and a team spirit? And just as important: h...
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