I've modified my customer notification templates, but I'm stumped on the approve/decline buttons (see below). What are the classes for these buttons? They aren't effected by .button
I added a simple pdf stylesheet for testing it out a bit. It didn't break anything but I wanted to revert back to no stylesheet. When I delete the stylesheet text and then hit save, it just comes b...
Hi, I am currently refreshing the design of my team's Confluence space at work (server/data centre - version 7.13.8) and I am wondering how do I change the look of the UI expand icon? I can se...
My organization is looking to turn off the Custom Stylesheets for Spaces feature. Before doing this we'd like to see which Spaces are currently using it. Is there any place we can see this? &n...
...umbers with: # Footer <span id="pageNum"/> / <span id="pageTotal"/> --- # PDF Stylesheet #pageNum:before { content: counter(page); } #p...
...n completely normal font. If we can get a good PDF stylesheet that someone might be using, it would be really helpful. Thanks
I have Global PDF style sheet, but I'd like each space to use a separate title page. Can Confluence use a Global style sheet, but also a title page specific to the space being exported? Thx.
Hello, I create PDF versions of my Confluence pages. Most of these pages look the same, but some pages have small variations. To achieve this, I combine [Space Tools > PDF Stylesheet] and the C...
...reate space stylesheets and macros. Because I could not find the appropriate menus, I'm asking the community how would it be possible to do it. On the page https://www.atlassian...
I'd like to set background of my space to white. All good so far, except for the grey area below the footer. Is it possible to style that? I've tried styling body and #full-height-c...
I'd like to add a drop shadow on the header (and maybe make it a little taller than it currently is. What CSS do I need on the style sheet? Latest confluence server edition. Thank you
Hi, after adding confluence to ms teams, which works very well, we have some issues to get the content shown correctly. It seems that MS Teams could not get a (correct) stylesheet. Does anyone h...
...o eliminate email being sent to watchers for comments (don't need or want watching at all for the pages in my space, at the page or space level.) I tried the following Stylesheet entries all of w...
Hello, I have found recommended solution: Go to the space that you would like this numbering be implemented on Go to Space Tools > Look and Feel > Stylesheet Edit > copy and p...
Dear all, I try to change to colour of the blue Confluence buttons (e.g.: Save, Create, Publish, etc.) in the global Stylesheet. Is there an easy way to do so? In the following thread somebody h...
We currently have stylesheet code applied to our space that limits what we are able to see since most people accessing it will not need to be poking around Confluence. The only problem is that when t...
Hi, I see Paragraph, Heading 1 through Heading 6, Preformatted and Quote in the box of formats to choose from. What determines which formats are displayed in that box? I'm evaluating an add-on...
I'm super new to all of this. New to Jira. New to back-end configuration. I've been playing with the menus and settings. As best as I can tell, beyond selecting certain fields to display/disab...
...hat stretch over 5 pages with everything else left empty, and not have them all run into each other. I created the following stylesheet but nothing seems to get appliedexcept for the landscape f...
...s not responding to the changes. Only PDF stylesheet responds to changes I made.
I tried the expected "@import url(http://someurl.com/mystyle.css)" in the Style macro, but my stylesheet was clearly not applied to the page. Any thoughts as to what I'm doing incorrectly?
I have defined a PDF stylesheet for a space i would like to include the current date in the footer whenever i print the page. I used the @bottom-left { to define the footer. Is there a f...
Hello, I would like to make changes to ALL Spaces using Stylesheet. 1. Logged in as admin. 2. I checked Confluence Admin > Look & Feel > missing Stylesheet selection 3. Followed this l...
Hi Team, I am trying to add CSS Stylesheet macro in a page via wiki format {style}, like any other macro but the same is not working. Can anyone guide me what i am doing wrong. The markup i a...
Hi guys! I somehow have to find a way to customise the PDF Stylesheet so that PDF exports will not only show the text of the status macro included in the page to be exported, but also its colour. D...
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