I know this has had many many posts but I can't find a solution after reading through tons of posts here. I need an export of my space with a large number of tables for an exec ofline folio, and the export function is such a pain!
All I need is to have the status report tables exported the way they are. No loss of cell colors (that denote status), no shrinking of columns so I get skinny ones that stretch over 5 pages with everything else left empty, and not have them all run into each other.
I created the following stylesheet but nothing seems to get appliedexcept for the landscape format, any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated:
@page {
size: 11in 8.5in; <-- this is the only thing that actually gets applied
margin: 15mm;
.pagetitle { <-- this is supposed to ensure a page break for a new table (per forum)
page-break-before: always;
table-layout:auto !important; <-- this is supposed to prevent skinny columns (per forum)
width: auto !important;
table.confluenceTable td.confluenceTd.highlight-green <-- this is supposed to preserve cell colors (per forum)
{ background-color: #e3fcef; }
table.confluenceTable td.confluenceTd.highlight-red
{ background-color: #ffebe5; }
table.confluenceTable td.confluenceTd.highlight-yellow
{ background-color: #fffae5; }
table.confluenceTable td.confluenceTd.highlight-grey
{ background-color: #909090;}