Hi, After reading your articles regarding the new CI/CD runtime, I concluded that if I want to stick to 1x/2x step sizes, I have only one option: Include the full IP addresses list in our n...
When will there be a feature or power up available that will give the user the ability to resize and change the dimensions of cards? Also having a "fit to screen" or vertical scroll vi...
...appens when I use the new 8x or 4x pipelines, if I change the size to 2x it works. I also gave more memory to the docker image up to memory: 27128 Any advice on where should I s...
The size still appears as greater than 4GB despite I reduced it to around 2.5GB.
Ich möchte das blaue bild gerne über die ganze fläche bis zu dem roten ziehen. leider ist es egal welche bild größe ich nehme das bild bleibt immer ungefähr auf der größe.
...ransition screen popup size is way too small to work with to the extent it affects work efficiency... I've searched thru the community thread and found out that the popup cannot be resized, but such i...
The question as stated pretty much says it all. The context is: I know the size of spaces when they are created from my templates. For administrative purposes, I'd like to be able to q...
Hi there, I´ve some icons in a form. I´m wondering if it is possible to have an influence on the size of this pictures / which size they are drawn: I´ve tried already to add on the t...
Hello! I was experimenting with the text gadget and used the code found here (What is PyScript? — PyScript documentation). The text gadget accepted the code and rendered everything correctly...
Dear all, Our current repository just exceeded the 4GB size limit. We have already tried to remove last commit that exceeded the 4GB limits but nothing happened. We have also enabled the "D...
What is the max attachment file size for an issue? One of my requesters is attempting to attach a 73MB PowerPoint presentation to the issue and it won't let him.
Hello, one of our repositories recently exceed the size limit of 4GB. We used the official guides and came to a point where we cannot push anymore because repo size is not changing apparently b...
...itbucket repository, it still says size limit. Could you help to tell me how can I push to remote? Not sure if temporarily increasing the repository size or running the GC against this repo is n...
Dear Bitbucket, I got the following error message on the Source page of my directory: Repository size exceeds limit This repository is over the 4 GB limit and your contributors are not able t...
Hi, is there a way to reduce the size of the lists and cards within them on a board - it is extremely frustrating they are so big. Large projects need an "overview" so this would be a very useful f...
Is it possible to increase the size of the card so rather than having 4-5 rows of cards, I can have one large row with the cards?
Dear Team, We have all the attachments for old tickets. We are already over 500 GB for this drive, so need to find a way how we archive old tickets / attachments. Kindly provide inputs to mini...
Hi , I am facing an issue that my bitbucket git shows that the size of my git is 1.5 gb , how to reduce that and the output of object count is this : count: 1007 size: 58960 in-pack: 30041 p...
I have 2-3 columns set up on a page. I inserted icons (all the same pixel size) into the columns. I can manually resize them but I can't make them all the same size. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanks!
Hi everyone! I didn't found the answer to this so i decided to ask : I found this really cool background picture i want to use, but when I select it, the board only shows the bottom of the image. I...
Hi, we got that This repository is over the 2.0 GB limit and your contributors are not able to push new commits. To resolve this, reduce the repository size. But git count-objects: count: 0 size...
We have a repo of size 100.1 GB, can a repo of this size be stored in bitbucket cloud?
Gostaria de saber o limite de armazenamento total do trello. Posso ir anexando arquivos de até 10 megas nos cards na versão gratuita sem me preocupar em um dia ficar sem espaço?
...s how the heading got rendered. Heading 1 seems ok, but Heading 3 and Heading 6 font sizes doesn't look correct. Also, Heading 6 which should not have a Left Border got rendered with the border. It a...
Hi. Yesterday we upgraded our Bitbucket-Account to "standard"-plan. But we still get the message "maxiumum of 2GB". Why is it so? Our old Repos are max 2 GB and I created a new Repo. Still max 2 GB...
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