Hi everyone, We, the Jira Navigation team, have been relentless in our efforts to make finding and resuming your work effortless. We’re looking for Jira admins and users to help us understand how y...
...e are building new ways of working that help people (not just Atlassians!) deliver great work, no matter where work happens. Next week we’ll be sharing our latest research with 3000+ new f...
Hello there! I'm Elsie, a Product Manager at Atlassian. My team is hoping to make it easier for teams to get started with document collaboration inside Jira Work Management. If you use both...
Hello there! I'm Elsie, a Product Manager at Atlassian. My team is hoping to make it easier for teams to get started with document collaboration inside Jira Software. If you use both Jira S...
...ecision to share usage data and explore ways to encourage more customers to share their usage data with us. What’s involved in the research: Sessions are 30-minute long and conducted over v...
...tatus reports, visualize data or build dashboards. What’s involved in the research: Sessions are 60mins and conducted over video-conference, so you can participate from anywhere around t...
...tatus reports, visualize data or build dashboards. What’s involved in the research: Sessions are 60mins and conducted over video-conference, so you can participate from anywhere around t...
...o meeting you! Cheers, Jenni Darroch Atlassian Research Team Note: The information will be used for research purposes only, and it will not be made public. All reporting will be confidential a...
...nformation will be used for research purposes only, and it will not be made public. All reporting will be confidential and anonymous. The people and the organisation will not be identified.
...nformation will be used for research purposes only, and it will not be made public. All reporting will be confidential and anonymous. The people and the organisation will not be identified.
...an participate from anywhere around the globe. During the research, we'll start with a general chat to get to know you, then review your experiences with Requests Tab and what you’d like from it i...
Hi Atlassian Community! I jumped into Gliffy's product management role a few months ago and I wanted to test a new way of getting user feedback on some items on my roadmap. So, I need your help! ...
Hello Community! We are looking to gather feedback on improvements to Compass. If you’re a developer or an engineering team manager/lead we want you! What’s involved in the research...
...ake sure it is meaningful for our customers. What’s involved in the research: Sessions are 1 hour long and conducted over video-conference, so you can participate from anywhere around the g...
Hi there! I'm Tony, a Designer at Atlassian. I'm looking to chat to people who have created a new Jira project in the last 3 months. What will this involve? 45 minute session A guided di...
Hello there! I'm Elsie, a Product Manager at Atlassian. My team is hoping to make it easier for teams to get started with document collaboration (PRDs, tech specs, planning docs, etc.) inside Jira ...
Hey folks, I hope you're well! We’re improving how Compass works with other Atlassian products, and we'd love your input. If you’re interested, we’ll chat with you for roughly an hour. We'll disc...
Hello Community! I'm conducting research with people who are new to using Jira Software! Sessions are online - you can join anywhere, any time. If you're interested in taking part, please a...
Hi Atlassian Community! I'm April, a Content Designer at Atlassian. I need the help of Jira Software users to create some messaging guidelines for our products. What will this involve? 5-minute...
Hi Community! 👋 We’re looking to understand how users use Confluence to create an extranet or a public website - like a public knowledge base or documentation website. We'd like to i...
Hi Community! 👋 We’re looking to understand how users use Confluence to centralize and distribute company wide news, announcements, and employee resources - like a Company Home or an Intrane...
Hi all 😊 I'm a UX/UI Designer at Deviniti, Atlassian's partner. Together with my team, we want to better understand user needs and improve our apps. We would like to invite you to our us...
Hey folks, We're running some research to improve how we make managing app requests easier. We'll spend some time getting to know you, then we'd like to get your thoughts on some concepts. As a t...
Hello Community! I’m from the Research & Insights team here at Atlassian where we run, well, research with our customers on a weekly basis. No doubt that a lot of you are here t...
Hi, I have managed and maintained an intranet for 10 years and had quite some challenges with keeping spaces organized. I am now in a market research role and was asked to find feedback for "B...
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