Hello, I would like to call on the community again, as my problem is still ongoing... Context: we are using a Kanban board for which ranking feature is enabled - "ORDER BY Rank ASC" in the f...
I need to enable stack ranking of ideas in JPD such that I can sort. Jira seems to have this with the global rank field that can be enabled. How can I do the same in JPD? Also, if I create a JQL f...
Hi everyone, I have ran into the following behavior and I am not sure as to what could be causing it. In one of our project boards the issues within a specific column are ranked based on the n...
Hello! Context: we are using a Kanban board for which ranking feature is activated - "ORDER BY Rank ASC" in the filter query - "Using Rank" appear properly in board configuration. Issue: over the l...
...roject A's tickets. There are tickets in Epic assigned to other team, but they are not showing. Product Owner show have ability to stack rank all tickets under epic - drag/drop. Jira cloud does n...
Hi Everyone, I'm looking for advice on how to best create a stack rank view of JPD ideas. My only theory is to use a combination of a couple fields: 1 field to identify only the s...
We tried to change the rank of an issue in backlog. First, we had the issue that the board filter was not sorted by rank. So we fixed that (the filter is simply "project = xyz order by rank asc")....
...his by ranking all epics by priority and estimating their size in days/weeks. What I want to do next, is to automatically (with minimal effort) rank the stories based on the epic rank. This is so t...
I want the Timeline gantt chart to be sequential in time. How do I order epics by "start date" for the timeline (roadmap). AND also include by Rank descending (so I can drag epics about too).
Hi y'all! 😎 👋 Life as a Freelance Consultant for some of the coolest company's in the world has me busssssy.... so, my Trello board to manage all tasks is overflowing and now I need better rank...
...lock from there because I have a very large amount and anyone who opens a new board for himself will be able to move the ranking from there. Is there another option to block or separate RANK and EPIC editing?
Hey everyone! I've got the following scenario: My team wants a notification to be sent everytime they update an issue rank. Heres is my current setup It works, but as you can see, in o...
For reasons I am pulling data from the Jira Align Epic Audit log. In the Audit log I see two similar but different types of entries: A) Rank: Epic 5 was moved from 24 to 23 B)&n...
- I have a Kanban board and the stories have sub tasks. - I have the board swim lanes set to 'Stories' For stories without sub tasks I can move the cards up and sown in rank and they a...
Hi Team, Anyone knows logic behind the "Rank" field in jira ?
Hi, I have the following issue: We want to have a Confluence Page to show the full Backlog ordered by Rank We have multiple future sprints created to plan a bit ahead. Sprint 1 Active Sprint 2 F...
Sharing this because I had asked and poked around and could not find a good way to "visualize" a prioritization ranking on issues. There is the ranking that Jira does when issues are moved around w...
During a sprint, I find it helpful at standup to have the Done issues moved to the bottom of the sprint board and In Progress ones to the top (To Do are in the middle). I do this manually before each...
...dmin? I guess it's changing a rank and has something to do with permission schemes for projects but can't figure out what exactly to look for. Running 8.7.1
...hown on the board project = ABCZ AND type not in (subTaskIssueTypes()) and sprint in (openSprints(), futureSprints()) ORDER BY Rank ASC Results aren't being displayed in rank order but when I remove f...
...utomation before, but I can't find the function 'move to top of the Backlog'. I know it should be possible to update the Rank field, but I have no idea how I can update Rank so that the newly created t...
...How can I push it up to rank 1 in the sprint backlog?
Hi there :D , I would like to automatically set the predecessor of an issue to the issue with a Rank just one above it in the backlog, and do this sequentially for all issues in the backlog.&n...
When I left work on Friday I had no problem Ranking my Roadmap Plans but when I came in on Monday, I started receiving the red 'Something Went Wrong' error. Looking at the error log it says i...
...ick off from the top of Backlog A, or Backlog B? How can we run a second-level grooming session which presents issues from ALL backlogs into a single view, where we can then drag and rank them r...
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