My portfolio manager would like to see a list of his projects, with their milestones (one row per project). Divided by month to month. This is currently in Microsoft Excel. It shows the f...
...lear, shareable reports at the click of a button Gain full portfolio visibility without sacrificing details Make data-driven decisions that keep you agile Foster cross-team c...
Work in Jira but hate the manual data import? Think that guesstimating deadlines and rolling with the chaos is just a part of work? Introducing Portfolio Manager (formerly LiquidPlanner) – now with J...
Hello Community, I'm Natalie from the Atlassian research team. We're looking to speak with project managers, product managers, program mangers and delivery leads about how you p...
...amiliar? Well, good news – Portfolio Manager now integrates directly with Jira, and it’s about to change the way you manage your projects. I’m excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar, “Introducing Portfolio...
Want greater control and more impactful insights from your workflows? That is what the integration of Jira’s #1 add-ons for time tracking and project portfolio management offers – and they can do q...
Hello Atlassian Community! Making a quick post to tell you about Tempo's upcoming webinars on formulas in Structure PPM - Tempo's project and portfolio management tool. We've had r...
Hi Everyone, apparently this is impossible for now but I was curious if someone had found a workaround: I am trying to get a portfolio view of multiple projects' ideas for a select group of u...
We're hoping to use JPD for a product portfolio overview - so we can look at a roadmap or 10,000 ft view of our division objectives, laddering down to the related product initiatives and even sub-i...
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