We recently switched over from Jira Server to Jira Cloud - the epic panel in the backlog used to have a search bar that you could quickly navigate between epics in the panel itself. The panel in J...
Hello everyone, I have created the following form structure in Confluence. I have a Panel which contains an Issue forms which contains a second Panel. The second Panel contains t...
I'm looking for a way to dynamically include the Epic's current "status" in the panel on my JQL column in Structure - eg: "**PAST-DUE**, IN-PROGRESS" Here is an example of the current JQL with no d...
On our Confluence Home page we have multiple 'Panels', one holding a 'Spaces List'. A new space was created 2 months ago which does not appear in this Spaces List although there are no Category i...
In the past you could put a paragraph into a customizable panel by typing the macro, e.g. /info in front of it. Now this results in an empty info panel below the paragraph. This shortcut is not a...
I have a page with various expanding panels, each is separate on the page from the other panels. Somehow, after multiple user edits, each of the panels shows the link for "Expand Panel" three times o...
Seven months ago, we successfully deployed a custom application to our Jira product. It is a relatively simple jira:issuePanel module that enables some software development workflows on some select j...
I have a file repository page that has 4 sections for different types of resources. Currently, the files I upload in one panel and attachment macro end up uploading to each section. I only want t...
...nything that suits (or is current). In short, I want to build and addon which is similar to the current Sub-tasks panel in Jira, but with a little more visual flexibility and usefulness. My q...
Hi team, I have deployed a forge app on IssuePanel(as highlighted in the pic below), the plugin appears in the center of the IssuePanel however I would like to know if there's a way to get this app...
So, I want to create a Panel in the sidebar with for exmaple the name "Safety". How I can do this is no problem. But now I want that the visible title is clickable and relate to the Page "Safety". S...
Hi, I manually marked one of my Epics as done (Status = Closed, Resolution = Done). However, the Epic doesn't disappear from the Epic side Panel. What am I missing? Thanks
Info panels (and other panels) are rendered differently when they are inside a Table of Content Zone compared to when the panels are outside of a Table of Content Zone. Because I use panels both i...
Hey everyone I did request cards and Panels. in the configuration of the space > app requests I can not see the requestet app. I see following text: Manage app requests This is a l...
I'm unable to find the macro listed below which allows the user more control to edit the content and appearance of a panel. Does this still exist, and I'm only missing it? https://c...
I'm aware of how most tend to copy a custom field to the description field in a transition off of creation to create the template. HOWEVER, I want to utilise the new panels with the icons et al you c...
Hi fellow JSM users, At the top of the side panel under the queue, we have some fields we don’t use.. Like "Changes" and "Events". We would like to delete some of these fields, but I can’t find w...
I want to make it so the Development field on the right panel from the Bitbucket integration appears higher in the ticket.
Hi Guys, we are using Confluence Cloud and I would like to edit the info panel as follows: 1. I want remove the symbol at the beginning of the info panel. As result there would be only a color f...
I have a Service Desk project which is not involved in any development (e.g. buy me a new chair). However there is an annoying development panel on each issue view. I tried to follow a...
I want to put the Epics in the Epic panel in a particular order. I have tried everything I have found along with what was suggested by my company's Jira Admins. None of the suggestions "hold". The o...
...ar, it'll pull up the issue, however, if I click on the "Issues" tab from the side panel there isn't an issue, even I switched the filter to "All Issues". Any idea what can be causing the issue? Thank you
Bom dia Comunidade! Tenho um projeto de última geração, e no Painel posso fazer agrupamento. O problema é, se eu agrupar por Subtask, ele aparece todas que possuo. Mas se agrupar ...
I have 2 questions regarding templates: 1. is there a way to create a panel or other section on a page with information to be displayed when the template is used to create a page that is displayed i...
My info panels added through the macro are not full width, yet smaller centered boxes. How can I make these full width?
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