When using source tree linked with bitbucket cloud I have to refresh the OAuth token every day? Is this normal? Is it for maximum security? It is very boring having to go into Tools-Options-A...
So I am building an application and want to implement OAuth2.0 as per my organization requirement. One of the operations I need to include is creating and deleting user withing Jira Software but I a...
...pplications for greater security, improved usability, and lower IT costs. While moving to Data Center, you may evaluate whether the native OAuth/OpenID Connect (OIDC) SSO is a good option. A...
My OAuth authentication for Bitbucket only lasts about an hour, whereas a colleague's lasts days. I have to go to Tools > Options > Authentication > Accounts > me@example.com > Edit &g...
I need to build a postman api call to jira using oauth2.0 but the docs and chat-gpt has gotten me confused. In postman i go to the authorization tab and fill the following tabs: Type: OAuth2.0 T...
Hello, I have an JIra app configured for oAuth2 where I use only use url as an redurect_uri and on the request side, I pass the full url as a redirect_url. for ex. on Jira d...
I am using Jira Server v9.2.0 and Confluence Server 7.19.1 versions. I provided a connection to LDAP to login. What steps do I need to provide for the personnel to log in automatically when entered f...
For the OAuth setup used on application link, how can I extend or reduce the access token time to live TTL ?
I am trying to link Backstage to Bitbucket server using OAuth and need help to get the consumer key and Shared Secret to connect. Appreciate your help on how to generate or get t...
Does anyone know where i can find documentation to build an API in Salesforce to Create a Jira ticket using REST API? I cant find anything helpful for Jira Cloud in either salesforce or Jira...
...ndpoint using OAuth 2.0 (3LO) and the search:confluence scope, I get back an Unauthorized error: { "code": 401, "message": "Unauthorized; scope does not match" } What scope should I u...
I noticed a weird issue in my app - when I have a brand new user and generate App Password, I have troubles sending request against the 2.0 REST API, other than /user which works. For example sending...
Success setup incoming but unable to receive incoming email command JIRA fail to receive incoming email while Auth 2.0 Success on Authorize and connection shown as the image below-
...equest that exchanges the authorization code to the access token. This kind of defeats the purpose since I want to use OAuth 2.0 in a public client (the secret can't be exposed).
Hi - I am trying to connect to Confluence with the Atlassian python API using Oauth 2.0 with a bearer token as required by my company because we have our own domain and use multi-factor a...
Hello guys. I have created forge app (macro) which calls my external api protected by oauth2. My macro is based on this tutorial: https://developer.atlassian.com/platform/forge/use-an-external-oauth...
I'm installing my OAuth consumer in my account several times. Each time I complete the installation process (https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/bitbucket/rest/intro/#1--authorization-code-grant--4...
Hi, Is it possible to use OAuth2.0 to trigger a pipeline like this: curl --location --request POST 'https://bitbucket.org/{workspace}/{repo_slug}/pipelines/' \ --header 'A...
我想在 jira 插件中调用 Confluence 的 rest api,但我需要 OAuth 身份验证(基本身份验证不符合业务需求)。
Sourcetree fails to search for remote repositories the first time the application is loaded. An "Oauth Access Token Expired" error is displayed. The only way to resolve this is to refresh the OAuth...
...bsp; I edited Jira and GitLab integration in Oauth 2.0 settings, added new Client ID, Client secret from GitLab, changed callbacks. I also reconnected GitLab accounts in DVCS connector, synchronized r...
Hi! Tell me, please, what is the difference between OAuth and Oauth impersonation? Confluence and jira are now connected via OAuth. For one plugin to work correctly, you need to change the c...
In order to get OAuth 2.0 (3LO) code https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/oauth-2-3lo-apps/#1--direct-the-user-to-the-authorization-url-to-get-an-authorization-code I h...
Is it possible to do the O Auth authentication within an iframe of an React application without opening a new tab. when using an iframe, Atlassian refused to connect due to same origin policy and whe...
I can only find Basic Authotization for connecting with the tempo api. I would however like to use POST requests using a safer OAuth method for which is possible on Jira Cloud. I tried f...
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