Is there a way to get the old markup editor back (and switch off the rich text editor). Since the old editor went away I find my self wasting lots of time correcting what the RTE thinks is b...
... However, the only emojis we are able to include in Markup are: (/) and (x) showing as the green tick and the red cross. But for example :clipboard: , :paintbrush: etc. do not show as e...
...endering bug in Jira's markup?
I tried to visualize in a wiki markup column with the following formula, however, it seems that there is no data returned in a column. Could anyone help me out with how to modify the formula and v...
For several years, I used Graham Hannington's website "Wikifier RT" to convert Confluence format to wiki markup. It was incredibly useful especially when using the Reporting series of nested m...
...IraMarkup and pass it to Jira but in a comment, it did not render properly(SS 1). Now I type the same content in call JIRA post API from Postman and get comment in Markup format. Now I copied those c...
Up to now, we have run our own Confluence server. There I was able to insert markup via the corresponding menu item. This is apparently no longer possible with the new editor. If possible, I would a...
...or example, I'm using this markup for the custom field "Customer": {{issue.[Customer]}} I can't even get native fields like "Summary" to show up with that markup: {{issue.summary}} What am I d...
...ote that all three words were on the same line before I highlighted "tooltip" and inserted the span macro.) What I got: My second attempt was using markup, which produced a more d...
...his is happening in Jira Software 9.0.0 and Jira Software 8.22.6 data center? When using this markup I get a different formatting on dashboards <div style="background-color: l...
Hi, Ive seen this customized progress bar and wonder if there is an opportunity to change from issue count to Story Point progress. I've tried but failed. Maybe you can help: /Granu...
I'm using a structure board to display Jira issues and need to track when the Due Date field is updated/was recently updated. Is there any way to do that through wiki markup in a structure board c...
Hi all, I have this formula below where I'm displaying the status of my items. I would like to put the value of status in bold and put it in a frame to get something similar to this  ...
...nd feature level (they remain empty), if I apply colors using wiki markup and 'sum over sub-items' option. Can you help, please?
...ith any wiki-markup and if yes how? Many thanks in advance Rick
hi, could someone please specify the correct markup for Extended User Profile macro? trying to apply some changes there, like background color & change the pic position using css, and can't f...
We use Jira Software Cloud. We'd like to be able to have a highlight color on text. So the text might be black (or whatever color), but it would be highlighted in a different color. Yellow, red, gre...
Hello all! My team and I recently released a Confluence Cloud App and Data Center Plugin that we have used internally for some time, and wanted to share. Alt Text Editor is an alternative editor fo...
In my Jira Structure, I do not see "Wiki Markup" in my Formula Format Options. Why is that? How do I enable Wiki Markup ?
...ormula-Column-change-color-of-the-value-calculated/qaq-p/1750811 or b...
We have a process which creates issues in Jira via Rest API. The description field may contain Wiki markup strings, for example '-- which leads to a strike through. I therefore wrote a listener (c...
Wiki markup: [CH:IT Depends #8: DataLake i wyzwania AdTechu, czyli jak nie utonąć w bezkresie danych (online edition)] Rendered:
The wiki markup (created using API): ``` [CH:IT Depends #8: DataLake i wyzwania AdTechu, czyli jak nie utonąć w bezkresie danych (online edition)] ``` The produced URL calls for page creation. Y...
Trying to include Wiki Markup in our sidebar. And I have several questions: 1. When creating a link to another page, according to this article: Confluence Wiki Markup | C...
...itle and current status. If I insert any kind insert markdown via + -> Markup, this does not happen. This results in a standard link. |Apex Class Name|Description|Linked JIRA T...
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