...xperience in SaaS account management, business development, or sales. Remote in the US, Canada or Mexico. Apply here: https://wrkbl.ink/8qSLfji Engagement Manager - You’ll o...
...s a Performance Review? A performance review is that annual sit-down where employees and managers discuss how things are going at work. It’s meant to be a constructive conversation, where both s...
Hello, I have created a form within our company JSM Portal. My issue is that I want our users to select from a specific list of possible managers in our organization as possible approvers for this r...
...alls. Ensure Timely Communication Prompt updates prevent employees from feeling left out or frustrated. Provide Training for Managers Equip managers with communication skills to deliver c...
...onfluence One of Jira's features is its smooth integration with Confluence. As a marketing manager, leveraging Confluence alongside Jira proved valuable. From developing complete marketing strategies to o...
...ou instantly see what a manager reports are working on (Project directory filtered by reporting line) You can do the same on the Goals directory as well. Combine with other filters f...
Do you have a knack for storytelling and a passion for putting great products in front of the right audiences? We're looking for a Product Marketing Manager (m/f/d) to help own the go-to-m...
...rganisations move towards more mentally-friendly ways of working. Providing live coaching with managers and teams. Their coaching work often revolves around ways of creating space for i...
In many recent surveys, like this one from Gallup, manager burnout is higher than for those they manage. It may be that work-life balance and emotional well-being appear to worse for managers than i...
Hi! Currently users need to manually type/search for their manager's name in order to add them to the request. We do not have a group of approvers, like Jira is relying on, instead we require d...
Hi there, Is there a way of triggering approval to a users manager based on who is the manager in Active Directory? We use Atlassian Access for SSO/MFA and user provisioning. OKTA offers the manager...
We are looking for a product marketing manager! Seibert Media is one of the largest Atlassian Partners in the world, as well as a growing Google Partner. We offer specialized services and c...
Why does jira do not send an email when a Manager is selected in the portal form?
Hi, I am trying to setup Jira Service Desk for our internal Service Desk with some request types that should automatically get submitted for manager approval. I am not finding a way to do t...
Hi Community, Does anyone know if Configuration Manager for JIRA allows me to deploy my Behaviors, Listeners, Workflow functions, etc from one instance to another? In other words, will the C...
I ran through the online video tutorials for Portfolio Manager however I don't find it intuitive. Do you offer training for Portfolio Manager - or have a partner who does?
Hi all! How to add some fields in version level? because my company want have some things as resouces, product, ... in milestone. I intend to take the version instead milestone Have any add-on can...
Hi, Is there any Manager classes in Greenhopper like Jira which I can use to get data related to particular board e.g. to get all sprints present in particular board and all issues in backlog....
Jira: 5.1.2 When trying to update the Plugin Manager, an error occurs: "An error was encountered while updating the UPM. Please see the logs for more details." Looking into the logs shows the f...
not able to see plugin manager in bamboo administration
Hello, I tried to update the universal plugin manager. It didn't appear to work so I tried again, but it looks like all I needed to do was restart the service. The error I get now is: Error o...
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