...hat explains how to set up courses using IZI LMS. Some of the use cases where you could use IZI LMS: Employee Onboarding Internal Learning Compliance and Assessments Change M...
...he part of learning.. There is no better way of learning (Jira and other tools..) than doing this by yourself first from scratch.. Look how it is now.. For example so many certificate q...
It’s great to be here. As someone familiar with Jira, I feel already on the right track. Becoming a proficient Jira administrator is an exciting goal, and I’m sure I’ll find valuable ...
I'm just getting familiar with this software and I'm totally geeking out to learn more features!
Hello again, Atlassian Community! Last time, we embarked on a journey through the realm of Information Security, unravelling its significance within the Atlassian ecosystem. As we continue to naviga...
Let's start with the basics. What exactly is Information Security? Information security, or "infosec" for short, is all about protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of d...
Nice to meet you! I wanted to make sure that you know that in addition to our free Jira Service Management Fundamentals learning path, we recently launched a new Associate C...
Atlassian University (UNI) is in the process of reviewing its Jira Service Management courses and considering opportunities to develop new content to meet the needs of JSM users. The Atlassian Commun...
Hello, All, My name is Mervin L. Britoe. I am an Atlassian Consultant at Modus Create LLC. and am hoping to make new connections and gain more knowledge on the Atlassian Stack (+badges) :) Ex...
Hi I just thought I'd join a group to say hello to some developers. I'me a business owners in the technology space that has no real formal qualifications in software development. ...
Hi all! I've been a regular user of JIRA and Confluence for the past year now through my job. Unfortunately, I don't have all the permissions I would like, but I'm learning to work around that. W...
Advice Most people make a lot of things more urgent than they need to be. It's important to remind your team that they're not always expected to do things right away. Clear co...
Advice We cannot choose the emotions or feelings we are going to feel. But when we think we can know the reason and start dealing with it or try and go our way confidently. Relevance for today No ...
Advice You choose your teammates/coworkers as much as you choose your family. Not at all. But what we can choose is to make the most of it. Be yourself, be compassionate, and be present. Assume posi...
Hey there, hope it's not too off-topic (if it is, please move to this category) .. I love using Jira and Trello, Git and other tools to get many things done and being productive. Fi...
Just completed my first badge. Jira Fundamentals!
Hello Everyone, I'm New in Atlassian Community and willing to learn from Community Members. Thanks.
Hello Everyone! Exciting News! Opening a forum for you to share topics of your interests, discussions that you need from us. We promise to set a series of sessions just for you. Please c...
Hello to all members I am new to the community and willing to learn from all members of the community. Thanks.
The Atlassian University is a good place to learn fundamental Atlassian tools, JIRA, Software, Confluence, Bitbucket, Agile, number of Free Courses on all topics.
Hi all, I have the incredible opportunity of introducing Jira as a new tool to a small development team. In the past, I have always walked into a situation where Jira was already in use with a...
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