Hello Jira enthusiasts! :) Today, we have a quick test for you (no matter what your Jira hosting is): Agents in your company are complaining about switching between different queues spread through...
Hello Atlassian Community, I’m Prashanth, a product manager on the Jira Data Migrations team in the Jira Platform. We’re looking to improve the import experience in Jira and are keen to understand ...
Hi, Does anyone know how to change the color in the issue categories? Or if it's even possible? Not the status but the categories
What are some effective ways to perform bug/defect management using JIRA? One method we developed is that once a bug/defect is discovered, a bug issue type is created. The ...
👉 test automation support (write in the comments what kind of support - connection to CI/CD, reporting from automation ...) 👉 reporting (write in the comments which reports are important for you...
Given a medium to big organisation with around 5000 Employees and several houndred projects. Every project has the responsibility to only show the right persons the content of their issues. So only u...
We have 2 fields.. 1. Location URL ( UrL field ) 2. Flag ( Single select list with Values Yes, No ) Here both the fields are required while going to SIT status. And we have few conditions fo...
Hello, How to restrict the Unexalate issue permission for a Group or a project role. We don't want all our users to Exalate and Unexalate the issues. And How to know who Exalated the issue and Who ...
Hello all, I am an active Jira administrator for some time now. In my daily work life I also often notice that on the part of colleagues many questions arise around topics such as Scrum, estimation ...
Bonjour, J'ai tenté d'exporter/importer la base de données MYSQL 5.7 vers MYSQL 8. J'ai réalisé l'opération avec une interface JIRA mais j'ai échoué. J'ai regardé le document de l'éditeur sur la c...
As a long time user/admin of Jira, and an independent Atlassian contractor, I have worked with many different organizations, and have seen a lot of different ways companies setup their projects. ...
Good day community, Jira+Confluence servers end in 2024. As corporate teams can't use software without support, we will need to find other solutions. Jira cloud will not suit because of technical s...
Our requirement is to Restrict the Transition if the Related issue status is not Closed. But PM's should be able to Transit the issue irrespective of the Related issue status. So my no...
Ok, I did need a clickbait title to get your attention but trust me, it will be worth it. Archiving issues in Jira really helps improve overall performance (think about all those JQLs that ar...
How it is work?
i am collegian but wanna practice jira from now only
Hello Jira users, Wanted to share my experience with one particular behavior of Jira that I have encountered multiple times and was able to fix with the same steps. Problem: After a da...
I wonder how the user community handles their company installation of Jira and Confluence. I mean, there is the administration of the front-facing side of these tools (and the plugins) to support use...
I have been using Atlassian products for 10+ years. For the bulk of this time, I have been responsible for a small (<50) team of software developers. Now, I am responsible for 10...
Any interest from the community in the following? ----------------------------------------------------------- Feature: Custom Release Warnings Story: As a Project Administrator, I would like the...
I have added resolution field to my Close status Screen. It is automatically becoming a required field, But I don't want it as a required field. Is it a known behaviour in Jira ?
Hi Community! In majority of our Jira projects our development and QA teams track various bug types in our Jira - issue types are Functional Bug, Localization Bug and Documentation Bug. Loc and Doc ...
Hello Everyone! This is Naren N. Looking forward for some stimulating discussions! Cheers
Hi Team, I have enabled "Microsoft Teams for Jira Server App" and I have authorized it with my account. In Chat session I am able to see the issues by searching the key words. But I am not able to ...
sorry, false alarm. cancel the issue
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