Hello, Need help please, Is it possible to hide a customer form so that it is not visible via the portal, but with a direct link it can be accessed and requests created? I'd like it to be accessib...
Is it possible to set or edit issue status identifiers yourself in Jira? Or are status IDs generated automatically in Jira and are they always numeric values?
Hi, I cannot understand which is the filter used to show the "approvals" on the portal. We have a 3-step approval workflow and on the portal are always shown less ticket than if I query "whic...
Hi, I cannot understand which is the filter used to show the "approvals" on the portal. We have a 3-step approval workflow and on the portal are always shown less ticket than if I query "whic...
I'm bulk moving issues from one project to another, and I see this tickbox. What does it really mean? I've googled it but still not clear: Which one is the above project? Origin or de...
Hello, when a user wants to approve a request from a portal using his smartphone and request approval requires a comment, he is unable to do it as on comment screen, there is no button for approval...
Is there a way for a default display all the issues but sub-tasks in the issue list? When a resource logs into the Jira SM, he should be seeing only the main issues, not the sub-tasks in the list ...
The JSM Help Center currently displaying only 6 portals by default. But users want to configure it so that all portals are listed without the need to click "Browse all." The goal is to have all avail...
Is there a limit on the amount of assets/objects you can have in JSM-Data Center? I see there are limits on Cloud, but when I try to navigate to the data center version it leads to a dead link. ...
While testing my account creation notification, I noticed that the password reset email that is sent out has the subject line "test Account Created". Does anyone know where I can go to edit that to r...
Hi everyone! I ran into an issue with SR Behaviors. After updating Jira from 8.20 to 9.12.12 (SR version 8.39.0), part of the behaviors related to hiding options in a cascading field stopped working...
I am looking at our Help center portal, and under requests you can filter on open and closed but the results are very mixed. Occasionally getting closed entries in open and open tickets in closed. I'...
Hello, I am not sure what am I missing, but I created a workflow which has an "In Review" status which I'd like to have both approvals and emergency overrides, however I can't seem to find the "add a...
How to configure Jira Service Management (Jira Service Desk) admins to not to receive security alerts emails
To simplify customer experience, we're allowing multiple selections from two custom fields (that map to two separate attributes in an authorizing document object). After issue creation, I'd like to a...
Hello, I've created an object schema in Assets and I can access it from my project via a Custom field. However, the Objects view (Assets Project Information) of my project remains empty, wi...
I often need to look up some information in the middle of typing a comment. It is too easy to click a link to go and find that information. When I come back to the task the first part comment is gone...
I have 2 JSM instances connected with OAuth. On the first instance, I have a text field which stores a hyperlink to another issue on the second JSM instance. I'm trying to write a script which autom...
How do you keep the queue list open so you don't have to click on it every time after closing or looking at ticket? First screenshot is how it used to look .. the 2nd screenshot is what h...
When I do the update check for my apps it say the Atlassians Automation for Jira is not compatible with the new version of 10.4. Can anyone confirm this is true? Does anyone have any informatio...
(I know this question has been asked before but I believe my context is a bit different). We have 1 parent ticket, with 4 sub-tasks. Each of the 4 sub-tasks have different workflows because ...
Hi, I've run into a problem and I'm hoping you can help me find a solution. In the JSM settings, there's a section called User Sessions, and I see that it shows the authorization method as Rest or HT...
Is there a way to disable the "Grid has been changed" - Jira Ticket Updated Mail Message? Basically - we do not need this message - it anoying for the participants, as there is a huge Checklis...
I had the 30day free version, but after i paid after trail all my tasks and staff member are gone i need my old account and its the same email : Johan_d@fenixfoodsworld.com
So, I'm running Assets Discovery on a test VMware SLES server (same server as my test JSM DC), scan settings as per below: So basically, just scan 10 test VMs in the LAN so...
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