Every unresolved incident quickly spirals into bigger problems, costing time and user trust. When small issues snowball, it leads to overwhelmed teams, lower morale, and frustrated users. With sm...
Introduction Jira Service Management (JSM) by Atlassian is a robust platform designed to streamline service management for IT and business teams. Originally known as Jira Service Desk, the platform...
You’ve heard Jira Service Management can revolutionize your team's workflow. But when you try to set it up, you're faced with a mess of settings and configurations that seem to go on forever. Is th...
The Jira Service Management Data Center team has been on an exciting journey over the past year! 🎉 Our primary focus has been on boosting security, improving performance, and enhancing scalability...
...page using the estimated read time displayed underneath the title of a page or blog post. Learn more. OpenSearch: Experience quicker search results and improved instance performance at scale with e...
...FFECTED_ATTRIBUTE" ORDER BY hist."CREATED") AS next_new_value, LEAD(hist."OLD_VALUE") OVER (PARTITION BY hist."OBJECT_ID", hist."AFFECTED_ATTRIBUTE" ORDER BY hist."CREATED") AS next_old_value FROM public."A...
Introduction At the end of 2021, I had one of the most sleepless nights of my career. This story is about a problem we faced with the SLA calculation feature in Jira Service Management, which pushe...
Hello HR professionals! For this JSM June, we are hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) between June 18th and June 27th to connect you directly with the Jira Service Management product te...
Greetings everyone! I'm Tomasz, a Senior Content Designer in the Data Center Design team at Atlassian. Together with my colleagues, we're dedicated to enhancing our Data Center security guideline...
G’day Atlassian Community! Are you working with both Jira Service Management and Jira Software Data Center? We would love to gain a better understanding of your cross-product workflow...
※本記事は、Andrzej Kotasが2022年7月14日に公開した英語記事「Announcing the next Jira / JSM Long Term Support release」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 多くのお客様から、Jira Software/Jira Service Managementの次回のLTSリリースにつ...
We know that many of you have been awaiting the next LTS release for Jira Software / Jira Service Management. To help you plan the upgrading in advance, we want to let you know that Jira Softw...
Hello Community! Jira Service Management has had quite the journey over the years and I am excited to share that we recently hit a new milestone, Jira Service Management Data Center 5.0! This release...
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