Hello everyone, We recently moved issues from a team-managed project to a company-managed project in JIRA Cloud. Unfortunately, some of the fields in the team-managed project were custom fi...
If so, vote here! ;) ---> https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSDSERVER-12714 Hello, I don't know about all of you, but I find myself and my team often moving tickets back and forth between tw...
Hello - As the title suggests, I am in a bad place in my Jira instance. I bulked moved many Issues onto a new project and lost all of my custom field data. Quickly realized that this is becaus...
Hello everybody, I am trying to move an issue within the same project from "service request" issue type to "service request with approval" issue type. The problem is that i want to move the ...
I am trying to convert an issue from an issue type to another. I click Move, the project and issue type fields are displayed, I am able to select the new ones, but the Next button is not displayed s...
Dear all, I have created a Jira project with a finite list of epics, organised into Components. When moving issues from another project to the new one, the moved tickets are not visible...
We use a sprint for bug triaging, rather than backlog which is more for stories. As we clog the sprint with issues, we stack rank them to achieve a top x, for triage to an actual sprint for effort a...
Hello, I'm facing right now with an issue when I'm trying to move an issue from Project A to Project B. (I have all the necessary rights - jira-administrator). Steps to reproduce: 1. From ...
We recently updated our Jira Core and Jira Service Management implementation to v8.19.0/4.19.0. After the update, we found we were no longer able to move Issues that had any Participants. Our ...
I'm trying to create an automation rule that would trigger when issue is moved from the desired project to any other project. I can choose any source project, however I cannot to change the target pr...
When I move a story to a jira project that's integrated - I receive a webhook event "issue_moved". However when I move a story from an integrated jira project - I do not receive a webhook event.&nbs...
Hi community, Need suggestions! We have two projects: One project is strictly used for the purpose of prioritizing features and selecting which features we want our engineering team to work on...
We have one project (ENGBL) where all the company employees can file their engineering/product requests. I check these daily and move them to the relevant engineering projects. The PMs asked to add ...
Hi, Is it possible to automate the "Move Issue" when you change the issue type of an issue? Note: I have different workflow for different issue types and that is how I want it :)  ...
We want to find the best way to move a ticket from One SD to the respective SD. Example: Customer accidentally created ticket for Infrastructure Service Desk but the ticket was for Tech Supp...
I have around 50 JIRA Software tickets in one project board that I now need to move to another board within JIRA. Does anyone now how to do this without having to go through ever...
We need a way to prevent some specific issuetypes/workflows from being moved into. In our case, we have issuetypes that have a specific approval workflows, but what happens is that users can move ot...
Scenario: You move a story or series of stories from Project A to Project B. Each story was linked to both a fix version and an Epic in Project A During the move: You are asked what version th...
Moving an issue from one project to another - we ran into an issue of not having visibility into the original number. Links re-direct just fine, which is good, and you CAN find the original ticket nu...
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