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×How do I change the AM / PM time format to 24h on due dates (cards)?
Hi there ! What I am looking for is to find tickets which were opened yesterday between 19:00-09:00 with JQL For example Today is 18.10.2021 I want to find tickets opened between 19:00 17.1...
...heir days off or estimated daily dev hours, according to how we set them during Sprint Planning. The Scrum Master seems to be the only user that can see the accurate tracker.
Hello Trello Community, So part of my Trello usage is for Social Media. I have a Content Calendar-Board where I gather and plan all my content for different Social Media platforms.&nbs...
Hi, Is there a solution to have hours automatically allocate to specific Epics when our product has entered a new phase? For example: Product A (prototype) has moved phases to Product A (v...
Cuando se programa una tarea en la tarjeta se ve la fecha de vencimiento pero no la hora. Para ver la hora hay que entrar en el reverso de la tarjeta. ¿Es posible poder ver la hora junto a la fecha?
Hi Some of our users cannot log in their hours in a ticket/project. And we are also having problems generating the reports for some users does not have log hours though they input hours on the t...
My team has logged all the working hours(1400hrs) in a single day but while logging the hours they have selected 25 different dates. For each day they have logged 8hrs to 10hrs. But in the J...
The Hours Report for JIRA app will properly search for the worklogs that fit my request, but since last week, I am no longer to une the "download current report" link to export my data to Excel. T...
What is the optimal process to capture and report on the name and hours of each JIRA Card Collaborator? JQL doesn't seem to access. Does this require a JIRA Script? Thanks.
Tempo used to display time worked in decimals rather than hours/minutes worked. Example: Previous version: 1.5 hours Current version: 1hour 30 minutes How do I get Tempo to display hours w...
We're a company that sells support hours in blocks of 30 minutes. 10 blocks at a time. Im looking for a way to sound hours used up to the next 30 minute mark. We would like to tie these hour...
Hello, is there a Jira add-on where I could plan resources not only on days, but on specific hours? Let's say I want to plan three issues, one from 10-12 AM, another from 1 to 3 PM and the last o...
Reporting daily on our burndown is misleading, as non-working hours are shown in the chart, and also the guideline continues downward during the night. Where non working days can be excluded (a...
I'm looking to find out the peak times of my Tier 4 support by monitoring the number of tickets created every hour, by day. And I can't seem to find an easy way to make this happen. Does anyone h...
I am facing issue in punching hours. For example if I punch in hours for 11/20/2017, it gets logged in for 11/19/2017. Also in my time sheet I see two columns for same date 11/5/2017. Please help.
Hey guys, Can you please advise the plugin that will unite all time spent by staff (their tasks, vacations, sick days) in one calendar-looking timesheet, with per day / week / month view & xls d...
Hi! I'm looking for an easy way to get some basic information about the currently active sprint: - What is the sum of the hours of sub-Tasks that are still not closed but in this sprint? - W...
Currently the Global per day hours setting in TEMPO restricts hours entry per day for all projects together. How can I set per day hour setting limit to per project. Because I can have r...
We have some interns in our team and some people working with recurent activities, which causes them to have a avaliability lower then 8h/day. Is there a way to define diferent working hours for e...
...een created per hour during the selected amount of time. The result could look something like this. Hour : Issues 0 : 0 1: 0 2: 0 .... 7: 1 8: 11 9: 15 10: 2 11: 4 and so on.
...oll up or aggregate the hours for the 7 tickets under Implementation into one place. Or the 3 tickets for design or the 5 tickets for testing. But there doesn't seem to be an easy way to d...
Is it possible to see sub-task hours in parent task Tempo report?
Hours not summed up correctly: Sprint Plan View: Here you can see how only "tasks" hours are summed up, "stories" hours or "new features" are not summed up (neither displayed). Furthermore on the t...
Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to create a report that shows billing hours only by project (and not by issues) by day and by person. Example : Project #203 2014/05/22 - Marie - 4 hour...
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