Hello, I'm using Zapier to take data from Jira and put it into a Google spreadsheet. The issue I'm having is Jira is returning events in an issue as comma separated with no escape characters. There...
I have a JIRA dashboard. Also I have enabled the JIRA cloud for sheets extension. Is there a way, by which I can have a JIRA dashboard like a permalink on the google sheet ? I'm open if t...
I've been unable to load the Jira Cloud for Sheets extension in Google sheets for the past three days. My configuration was setup to update on a schedule and has since failed. When I try to open the ...
For a few weeks, it gets stuck on loading the interface. I tried reinstalling and refreshing sheets but nothing works. Any ideas?
I am looking for a solution to the following problem. I am trying to pull just the "status" from a Jira link located in a specified cell. ] The formula used in google sheets previously wo...
Hi, I'm a social media director and I'm trying to use Trello to collaborate and create content and then export to an excel or google sheet for my contractors to use as a template with merge fi...
Hi !! I am a brazilian and my colleague, which also uses our Google Sheets dataset, has his preferred language in Jira as Portuguese. Today I was updating the sheets and notice all data i...
When updating data from the jira, the formatting of the cell changes. Changes from percentage to number. How can we avoid this format change?
Hi, I can I'm running testEdit() in the Apps Script debugger. I get a 200 http response and response content that fully details the issue I'm querying. (I know this by examining the jsonC...
After filtering out tickets on Jira, I want to export them to google sheets to perform my tasks. The system just shows a blank excel sheet but doesn't import any ticket details from JIRA
Hello, Wanted to confirm that Jira Cloud for Google sheet is not going to be disconnected as suggested earlier https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Marketplace-Apps-Integrations/Updat...
Is there any discussion around creating an IQL add-on similar to the JQL add-on in Google Sheets? Our organization uses this add-on a lot and I could see the IQL version would be just as handy ...
We have the Sheets app added in our Jira, and using this Sheets, I would like to calculate, like column A x column B = Column C. how can I achieve this?
I've been using Jira cloud for sheets for some time, organizing my sheets by filters and such. I've come across a board with custom forms dedicated to organizing test data but I cannot seem to pull t...
Hello. I would like to update Due Dates of Jira issues from the dates entered in Google spreadsheet. Is this possible in any way?
I am looking for a way to automatically push updates between JIRA board and a Google sheet spreadsheet for accurate tracking of JIRA statuses.
Update as of August 19, 2022 Hi Community, On August 15 (below), we announced our intention to deprecate the Jira Cloud for Google Sheets app. Since our announcement, we’ve heard loud a...
Hello guys! I'm using Unito to sync cards bidirectionally between Trello and google sheets. So I need to add Custom Cover to cards automatically as soon as they are created in Trello. Is this poss...
I have a JIRA Search query ( project = 'DT' AND created > startOfDay() AND type = "DT Lite" ) that shows all DT tickets for today, and have the results ported to Google Sheets to update autom...
when importing to Sheets, users that are tagged in comments show up as [~accountid:5f3ac49d73a2685161d5db237] is there anyway to have it show their name instead of the accountid or even ...
Hello I'm using Jira Cloud for Sheets (in Google Sheets), and I'm striving to retrieve issues from several projects in parallel. Ex: in order to retrieve issues from ProjectA, I would run for ...
Hi! Could somebody help me to find a way to collect data report (real time) from Jira to Google Sheets at on premisses server (I would create a data studio dashboard)? I tryied with Googl...
When I try to use Jira cloud for sheets, it only returns 1200 results for my query, which should return 6466 results there is no explanation or failure message. This has work consistently in the past...
When I type my request with a createddate search between 2 dates, I get an error message. "Operator '>' does not support the list value '("202-12-01")' for field 'createdDate' =jira(CONC...
Hi guys, One quick question from me is there a way I can capture the User's license from the console to google sheets, the reason being is this way we can know how many Users licenses w...
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