...ecomes difficult. Tasks get missed, bottlenecks form, and stakeholders lose visibility into the body of work. This is where epic templates in Jira Cloud come in. They help streamline project m...
...lear hierarchy: ✅ Epics first ✅ User Stories and Tasks next ✅ Subtasks neatly nested underneath Why You’ll Love It 🔹 Better Clarity – see the full picture of your project in one place w...
Managing a large project in Jira often involves repeating tasks and processes. Cloning an epic and its child issues—such as stories and tasks—can save significant time and maintain c...
...ey elements: User Activities: Main user actions Steps (Epics): Major feature groups supporting activities 2️⃣ Horizontal Slicing: Making Releases Manageable Horizontal slices represent c...
Jira offers many ways to organize and structure your projects and issues. However, 3 standard functionalities often cause confusion : “Components“, “Labels” and Custom Fields ...
Epics are a powerful tool for organizing large projects and keeping your team on track. In this guide, I'll walk you through the process of creating epics in Jira, so you can start leveraging their b...
Many a times, teams need to export their issues to a CSV file for further reporting and analytics. However they struggle with not getting the data in a hierarchy, i.e. Epic -> Story/Task -> S...
Hello Atlassian Community! I want to share a Python script that automates the cloning of epics, including all their child issues, in Jira Software (Cloud). This tool could be particularly b...
※ 本記事は、Irene が 2023 年 5 月 29 日に公開した英語記事「Upcoming: The backlog epic panel will soon use epics' Issue status category」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 Jira Community の皆様、こんにちは! 昨年、企業管理対象プ...
...題ビューに追加する 新規課題の作成時のエピック リンクおよび親リンクフィールドを親フィールドに置き換える 新規ワークフロー トランジションを作成時のエピック リンクおよび親リンクフィールドを親フィールドに置き換える parent JQL 関数を拡張して、epic link、parent link および parentEpic 関数の機能を組み込む こ...
...s: Epics, Issues, Teams, Labels, Versions, Custom Fields, and Custom Worklog Attributes such as Billable or Activity Type, and many more! Clockwork reports can be saved with a relative date so you d...
...esults). 🔮 Epic Progress gadget When every need related to creating customized data views is addressed and solved, another big guy joins the game: The Epic Progress gadget! Epics are h...
Confluence enhances collaboration, communication, and knowledge transfer in teams. It allows teams to create and share reports that visualize data while expanding on critical points. However, have y...
...loud only] 👋 Hi Jira Community! Over the past year, we’ve been providing updates around renaming epics in your company-managed projects. When we first announced this work, we let you know t...
In Jira, everyone thinks and calculates costs differently: sprints, versions, projects, epics, and one single task. In our previous articles, we told you how to calculate the cost of each element (w...
Update 23rd October 2023: Hi all, just an update that these changes to the backlog's epic panel have been rolled out in early October. If you are on the 'Bundled' release tracks, the changes are c...
...roviding flexible and dynamic timesheet reports in which you can: Filter and break down the data by various elements such as Epics, Issue Types, Labels, Custom Fields and Worklog Attributes, etc. I...
...e replaced with the Hierarchy Level column, which will display numerical values of the hierarchy level, e.g. -1, 0). Rename ‘epics’ in Jira As announced in our earlier blog...
Hey guys, as a Product Marketing Manager at Appfire, I am excited to share the latest news of one of our best Business Intelligence and Reporting solutions, Dashboard Hub for Jira: Dashboard Hub's c...
Jira users, especially project managers, face a major problem – calculating and summarizing time at Epic level. Jira doesn't have this functionality, so project managers have to spend r...
Raise your hand if this sounds like your team: you need to copy Epics and all the issues included in them. Two hands in the air if you create template Epics with issues, tasks, and subtasks so y...
...equirements (e.g. Initiatives split into Epics that are split into Stories and/or Technical Tasks). Stories and Tasks are usually Team level and sit with teams and their deliveries. But Epics in most c...
...he new Dashboard Hub macro in our new blog post or check out the documentation.
...ifficult to say what time it takes. But for both cases, we need an accurate counting of how much time we’ve spent on the issues. Our app Teamlead: Epic Time for Jira Cloud takes under control the t...
If your reporting process is taking too much time and you’re looking for a solution to make reporting on Jira Service Management more effective and productive, take a look at Dashboard Hub’s new cust...
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