Challenge: As Kumavision grew, managing complex client projects with tools like SharePoint, Excel, and email became inefficient. Adding clients to internal Jira instances increased costs and posed se...
Challenge: MIC Customs, a customs and trade compliance software leader, wanted to establish real-time communication between their customers and support teams using Jira. Using Excel, emails, and ma...
We’re excited to launch a much requested Customer Service feature in Jira Service Management: Products and entitlements. This feature is designed to help you tailor support experiences to the specifi...
Hey Trello Users! One of our Customer Success Management teams recently used Confluence to move our team’s work and planning to Trello. Here are some reasons why we considered the move: Product...
※本記事は、Kim Mooneyが2022年9月30日に公開した英語記事「Jira Software Instance Cleanup Guide」を翻訳したものです。内容に相違が見受けられる場合、英文ページの内容を正とします。 👋 こんにちは。アトラシアンのカスタマーサクセスチームのKimと申します。私たちは、Jira Softwareなどのアトラシアン製品での成功を支援しています。本日...
👋 Hey there! I’m Kim with Atlassian Customer Success. We’re here to help you succeed with Atlassian products like Jira. Our subject for today – instance hygiene. 🛀 If you and your team have been ...
ABOUT JEXO We’re a small but very fast-growing startup that builds Jira apps. We’ve got about 2,800 installations so far, over 1,300 paying customers, and 6 apps, which means we’re on our ...
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