Hey, I'm getting error while trying to change baseURL via cURL, I'm using this command: test='Authorization: Bearer PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN' && curl -v -H "$test" -X PUT https://s...
Dear community, I´m using the R4J REST API to read out various data from R4J via curl commands. Unfortunately the returned JSON Strings have sometimes (in my opinion not deterministic, i...
I am trying to send an email by using curl, but I am getting the error "Login Denied". I generated the app password as well as the oauth access token, but still getting the same error. Can someone g...
Hi all! I'm running into an issue when attempting to fetch data from a Confluence page via a cURL command using the REST API. I've created an app in the Atlassian developer console to do so and h...
I'm trying to transition a jira Issue while updating fields within the transition. This command works to transition the issue but there are extra fields that need to be updated. curl -u [user]:[p...
Hi Team, I want to create JIRA ticket using the below CRL script by executing form Bamboo task. When we using basic authentication credentials in curl like below, it is creating JIRA ticket fine. B...
I am trying to update this customfield_16127 field. I guess it from xray plugin. Not able to find suitable Curl Command to change the status of the Issue. I checked the editmeta its as b...
...ass it in the header as Authorization: Basic 64encoded-string If I try to access using cURL or Python I get the same 'no soup for you' error: { "message": "Current user not p...
...axResults=3 This returned: object(stdClass)[1] public 'expand' => string 'schema,names' (length=12) public 'startAt' => int 0 public 'maxResults' => int 3 public 'total' => int 9...
...erform a curl with this command: curl -u my@username:token -o /home/whatever/test.json --request GET https://mydomain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search?jql=filter=10861&fields=id,key,status,d...
Hi, i am trying to create a page in confluence using rest api but i am greeted with this error: {"statusCode":500,"message":"","reason":"Internal Server Error"}. my code: curl.exe -X P...
Hi, I want to add a new object with a used status in insight and change its status to deprecated in the existing one I have 2 curls 1. It shows us the objectID of the newest object with status in u...
Hi I am trying to create a new page from a user template using curl. I am interested in creating the new page with its own title (name) and leave the rest of the template data as is....
Hi there, I'm trying to update a custom field "customfield_16220" using python which is failing. It errors 400. However, the curl works fine. curl request: curl --request PUT \ --url 'https://j...
Hi all, I'm stucked very well. Every GET request works fine, but I can't set any customFiled value with php curl. My first problem, that I cant achive any answer from the server, so I a...
...ried both to authenticate but no luck. Here is the cURL command I am using: curl -D- \ -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Basic base64 user name and api token here" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ h...
...ost: curl --request POST \ --url 'https://your-domain.atlassian.net/wiki/rest/api/content/{id}/property/{key}' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \ --header 'Accept: application/j...
Hi, I'm trying to get the list of repositories in Bitbucket Cloud running cURL on a Windows laptop. For testing, I type the following command in the command prompt: curl https://api.bitbucket.org/2...
...bsp; Due to the lack of documentation (and all my failed attempts) now I'm simply trying to make it work via curl. I switched to curl as a way of finding the right structure (there's a lot more issues o...
...etrieved information via curl, saved the resulting response to a json file then read it into Python ... sort of. The resulting data gives way too many columns which are mostly empty and several c...
Hello I'm able to attach file to Jira issue using this command: "curl -D- -u {username}:{password} -X POST -H "X-Atlassian-Token: nocheck" -F "file=@{path/to/file}" http://{base-url}/rest/api/2/i...
...GB (I actually do not understand the reason). For those files, I decided to perform the following cURL request curl --user "<user>:<password>" https://confluence.<mydomain>/d...
Hello, We use the LucidChart macro in multiple pages. I am trying to use CURL with CQL to output a list of occurrences, but it isn't working. This is what I am trying: curl -u M...
...ave tried using limit=1 to return only one result but that also gets ignored and what is returned to me is ALL audit logs limited to 1000 characters. I have been using CURL commands to test p...
I'm new to APIs and how it is implemented in Jira. I've read the articles online, but I am having some issues accessing the localhost. How can I use the API with cURL to create an issue?
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