Heads up! On March 5, starting at 4:30 PM Central Time, our community will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for a few hours. During this time, you will find the site temporarily inaccessible. Thanks for your patience. Read more.
×🚀 Still Thinking About Speaking? Here’s Why You Should! We’re gearing up for an exciting Atlassian Community Event in Jaipur on 15th February 2025, and there’s still an open spot for you on the s...
Greetings, community! When one asks a question, the suggested solutions are apparently displayed in this order, first to last: pinned answers by community managers take precedence over all o...
Hi everyone, I think it would be great to organize a meetup toward the end of the year. What do you think? Let me know your thoughts and availability! Looking forward to connecting with you all. ...
Hi, Atlassian Community! As 2024 floats toward its final stretch, I’m thrilled to invite you to a special session where we’ll dive into planning strategies that will keep all your ducks in a row (e...
Truth time: communication barriers are the gremlins of the workplace. 😈 They creep in, cause confusion, and leave teams feeling like they're stuck in a game of telephone gone wrong. Comm...
Happy Friday, community peeps! First of all, happy Independence Day to all my community members from the USA (sorry for being late😅). This Friday could be a good long weekend for you guys! 😂 I...
I've never realized that there's such a large Atlassian community here in Israel. Even though I'm from the far South district, I feel like the distance barrier is broken and we are all c...
We have filled the previous list, so it's time to start a new sign-up page! Please comment below with the date you would prefer and we will get you scheduled in. Get in on the Friday Fun acti...
...ike to see us cover in our ACEs, please comment on this page and let us know! The ACE is there to bring everyone in the Atlassian community together, and offer any support that is needed!
Hey, Milwaukee Community! I'd love to know if you're planning to attend Team '24 in person in Las Vegas next week 🎉. If you'll be there, let me know in a comment here. It would be great to c...
At ClearHub we are conducting a survey to hear directly from you. Your insights are crucial in shaping our community and services. It's quick and easy: Answer Survey here https://s...
Hi Folks , Myself DHANESHVAR. I haven't been part of any community before. So I'm excited to be part of Community Member of Atlassian here . And I'm currently working as S...
始めて投稿いたします。 札幌で、Jira 勉強会ができればと思い、手弁当形式ですが 1/30 に開催してみました。 イベント開催からようやく一段落できたので、開催レポをブログにまとめました。 宜しければご笑覧ください。 https://note.com/kohsakusaito/n/n17dbfb1799dc
Hey, all! Have you seen the Atlassian Team Playbook? It's awesome IMHO - we have a library of resources designed to improve your communication, alignment and team empathy. One my team does about on...
Hello Comunity Members, welcome to the community. The welcome center is a curated group which has answers to all of your how and where to in the community. I want to take this opportunity t...
The latest thread accepting new signups is here! Get in on the Friday Fun action and earn the Friday Funmaker badge by signing up below! (Don't forget to earn Fri-Yay! by participatin...
Good morning and Happy Monday from Pennsylvania, USA! I am NOT new to Confluence, but am new to this group. I've been a Confluence Admin for 15+ years and really love what Confluence ha...
Miscellaneous Monday Welcome Wednesday Throwback Thursday Friday Fun Tuesday is sad.... 😢😖
The following does pertain to any specific product and I am selecting JIRA simply because there is no option for Community as product itself being selected. I have been contributing here o...
...riting this discussion listening (or better to say jamming) to Jira Jams playlist - which is x2 fantastic as it is composed by me and fellow Atlassian Community members. Bonus points for this: I seized t...
Hey Community. I wanted to come and post a quick message in the community. I have been involved in the Atlassian ecosystem for around 7 years or so. I have had some great opportunities and have l...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! As we begin to come down from all the excitement of Team '23, I received a reminder that I need to renew a few of my Atlassian certifications. This reminded me that ...
Happy Wednesday Everyone! This week is more of a public service announcement. Did you know that there may be a local Atlassian Community group in your area? If you are interested in g...
Hello Atlassian community! I am introducing myself with an observation...I can see the dedication... Going through the 2019 awards articles of achievement awards, I can see the dedication of t...
We have participated in the Unleashed Hackathon, and we need your help! This is our chance to showcase what awesome things we can do as a team. We would be very grateful if you could please take the ...
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