Hi there, I'm keen to hear some examples of remote asynchronous working methods non-profits are using to engage and collaborate with small teams across several countries? Any thoughts, ideas...
When I log into Bitbucket, or when I navigate to https://bitbucket.org/, I am redirected to another user's workspace overview. How do I fix this so that I see my own workspace by default? ...
...e have a better overview in the whole backlog, and it makes collaboration a lot easier (we think). However, we also want to make use of automations, like linking their github/gitlab accounts to e...
I typed their exact email and username, but their account won't just pop up. The purpose for this is for us to collab for our project. Can someone help us? This is also my first time using bitbucket.
A notification appeared that Trello will change the rules regarding collaborators in the work area and I have a question! In total, we have 15 collaborators, 4 with paid accounts (work area members)...
Un de nos collaborateur ne fait plus parti de l'entreprise. Il était l'unique administrateur d'un espace de travail qui comporte de nombreux tableaux que nous utilisons tous, tous les jours. Nous av...
I'm an educator and have 4 classes. I'd like all of my students (60 per class) to each be a collaborator on their class board. I'm unclear on whether I need to buy an account, or if all my stu...
Hey there, Within my organisation, we have a lot of team based Trello boards that multiple people will be using at any given time. One of the boards in question utilises a lot of custom rules and a...
In my 6 years working in Jira, I love being able to Bulk Edit issues, one feature that is frustrating in that is if you want to bulk edit collaborators, you can't simply "Add" another collaborator. W...
Dear Atlassian Community, we would like to implement pretty much the same functionality that Microsoft 365 has, but when editing files in Confluence. So basically, we would like users ...
Ask Confluence Group Product Manager, Jason Phan, questions on async collaboration tools and practices between now and Tuesday, 12 October EST. Asynchronous collaboration relies on d...
Good morning to all! We have just introduced Trello as a task management tool in our marketing department and have now also developed a logic for how we can collaborate with several employees on tas...
...sers in the same version of file uploaded back to the server. The non real time collaboration of the Companion app is making it hard to sell the product for use as a doc repo for the project. Another c...
As roles in projects are different, some will "only" have to fulfill some tasks on cards, other are the project owner and as the board owner they need a broader view to lead the project. Question: ca...
Is This posible to edit an attachment (like word, power point and excel) simultaneously without using check in / check out mode?
I was trying to add a collaborator to my service desk server project. The documentation showing that it is available in the 'people' tab. but I couldn't find the people tab.
...acks) that really engage your team(s) and increase collaboration?
Hi, I have setup the RocketChat on premises Server1 and i have jira on server2. I have around 150 projects in Jira and planning to create 150 Channels. So each project will have one ch...
Our company is owned by another company. They use an internally hosted version, we use a cloud version, but we both have confluence. Is there a way to create a shared space between the two s...
What is the optimal process to capture and report on the name and hours of each JIRA Card Collaborator? JQL doesn't seem to access. Does this require a JIRA Script? Thanks.
Hi folks Frequentely I need to promote a discussion among a card´s members referred to a specific subject. It happens simply using the answer option that is bellow a comment. The issue is that ...
Hello there, the situation is as follows. There are two separate Jira projects, one for each party, as each party has confidential issues. There are also issues which are resolved in collaboration...
I have been teleworking with virtual teams for 3+ years. I recently came across the white board simulator in the Trello inspiration boards and look forward to trying it out. Do you have any remote t...
Hi, I'm new to trello and confused on the use of teams. the account is in my business name (it is not a business class acct) and i have 2 other business members that will use it. should i open card...
hi! we are thinking to change from share point to confluence. My question is if it is possible to insert excel files or other documents such as a word file in confluence and in there to edit a...
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