Hi everyone, We have created a new Atlassian Cloud Organization years ago, with Confluence test for migration. The migration never happened, but the org stayed active. At the momemt it is using UR...
Hi, We have setup change requests using a form attached to the change request type. After initial submission the issue goes to a "Plan" (Not Started) status where pre-populated fields are u...
I want to change my email, but verification on the new email is not coming through. I checked my inbox or spam, but nothing. I've tried many times but still no verification appears in the e...
...ealizar el cambio? Gracias Hello community, I wanted to know if you could guide me on how to change the reporter. I have the permission assigned to the administrator and to my user i...
I'm having a problem trying to update my email/login information. It's telling me that my account is managed by the admin, but that admin is myself. When I try to suggest a new email within the admin...
Hey all, Does anyone have an idea, how can i create automation that will notify me. Every time for example that a high bug has been moved from project a to b? Thanks !
...tlassian shows the change in profile, but not Trello. We've tried using an incognito browser (still in English), regular browser, and the Trello app (on iOS). Still, all in English, even though his account l...
I inherited two boards with admins who no longer work at my organization - I want to do some maintenance due to the upcoming Trello paid/unpaid settings, but only an admin can for example remove the ...
...omething. In any event, I just need a calendar of change requests (issuetype = change) and need to be able to share it with Jira instance users in projects other than ITSM). TIA Scott
Regarding these changes related to limits on worklogs, comments, etc., (CHANGE-1133) What happens with the issues that already exceed this limit and continue to increase the number of records?
Hello! We have JSM installed and many things are going very well so far, including change management and a visual change calendar. A change calendar is traditionally an IT-wide or even enterprise-w...
We use jira to track work and to record "requirements". We assign a requirement to the Version. Sadly, we tend to need to maintain the same Issue Key for a Requirement across multiple versions. Thi...
Hi All, New to Jira, so any help would be appreciated. I have created some custom fields and want to add them to the portal change screen and also the normal change submit screen. (Hopw that makes s...
Hi everyone, I know not directly a question but more hoping to get some advice. I'm looking at changing some users username in Data Center. I've changed my own and seems to be okay, so far in re-s...
In JSM, we have managers that want to track changes to the Components field for reporting purposes. Has anyone done anything like this?
I'm wondering if anyone has done something similar and / or the best way to achieve the requirement. When an Incident issue is raised, we would like to be able to quickly display a list of change I...
...SL certificate expiring in the next few days. Out technical team will change the certificate on the F5 on their side and we apparently need to change/install the certificate on the server. The only t...
Hello, I am reaching out to determine if anyone has run across any good templates to organize and document proposed changes to a Jira Project.
...older2, but no pattern works. "Include only changes that matches to the following pattern" Folder2/ /Folder2/ Folder/.* Folder2* etc, etc. Is this feature just broken? What I d...
Today we had a disgusting surprise: All the labels had changed their color plus they have a circle besides. This completely breaks our "have a glance in a split second" as we used to i...
...he current workflow is "resolved" and this has been renamed to "closed" in the new workflow, will the the reporter of the initial ticket be notified of this change to "closed"? Thanks a lot!
I'm trying to get a notification when someone else changes the description on any card. I can make it happen with this code... when the description of a card contains "{carddescription}", s...
Hi, I use an automation whose trigger is the change of transition from status A to status B. I want to display the date of change to status B in a field. I had done this : {{i...
Hello community, looking for solution for one my clients. We successfully migrated two instance into one. Both Jiras and Confluence. All of the testing went fine, so we ran prod migration. ...
We have DEV and PROD Jira servers so that we can test out changes to workflow, ui, custom fields, etc in DEV prior to promoting those changes to PROD. For most other products that we use t...
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