We've had two power-ups enabled on our work boards for three years now: Card Repeater and Google Drive. According to the Power-Ups dropdown, both of those are still active and enabled, but I can't ac...
There seems to be a bug where the day of the week is set off by one day. My time zone is Asia/Seoul and I'm attaching an image to help you understand the issue: I specified Monday, ...
Hello! How do you find an original card that was used as a template for repeating tasks? I have checklists that repeat and am unsure how to edit the original so the repeated cards are updated? Thanks
Hi, I was wondering if there has ever been any indication that the date handling facilities of Trello would ever be seeing any changes - for the better as far as I can see. Specifically, repeats. ...
Is it possible to set start and end dates for repeating cards? For example: I want Card X to repeat every Monday at 8am, but only for the weeks of Summer. Then the repeating should stop. Or do I h...
It has a faulty day to date conversion. Any day set, repeats one day before the expected. Example included in the image below, where 14th Of July is in fact Sunday rather than Monday.
All of the cards that I had set to repeat on a weekly basis had the repeat function removed. All were marked to repeat once a week using the card repeater power-up. None of the other repeating cards ...
I have been using card repeater on one of our Trello boards consistently for a good few years, and it's always worked great. In the past two weeks, I have not been able to make changes to my repeati...
I have a long list of repeated tasks that have been reliably repeating for several years. This week, my repeated tasks did not appear and the Card Repeater powerup icon is missing from my workspace. ...
I use the card repeater power up pretty extensively. Today it just didn't repeat any of the cards at all, and I can't find a way to contact support for this power up - can anyone assist? Thanks!
Boa tarde, Meus cartões pararam de repetir há 2 dias e as novas repetições não funcionam. Todo cartões do quadro pararam de repetir. Tento configurar novos cartões como teste, também não funcionam...
Do you have any infos when the card repeater will work again? A bunch of cards needed to open about 2.5 hours befor, but they are not yet there (the cards are showing still the time they needed to be...
When a card has the card repeater Power-Up linked onto it, the due date is not consistent with the cards repetition. For instance, a card in the Daily Tasks list has been set to repeat every Monday, ...
Hey, I just recorded a Loom about using the repeat feature on Trello. I ran into a small issue with setting up a weekly repeat on Thursdays. Check it out here: https://www.loom.com/share/108d161d374c...
Hello! I have daily/weekly/fortnightly/monthly checklist cards that repeat. If I need to edit/add items to my original checklist, how do I get to this? Do I need to find the original card or can I up...
Tenho um quadro com várias listas. Todos os cartões adicionados com a regra abaixo, recebem um número inicial: when a card is added to list "XXX" by anyone, rename the card to "{cardnumber}) {cardn...
Hi I'm a morning into exploring Trello. The Repeater Power Up worked nicely and then stopped all of a sudden. Now when I set the repeat suggestions the save button activates, I click it then nothign...
I've been having problems with the repeat card power. When I try to remove it from a card, after I click remove it just turns grey and doesn't removed the power up from the card. Seems like others ha...
Hi, We have a lot of cards using the Repeat Addon. Around 50+ items. Is there a way to visually see all the dates/times/List for all cards? Currently I have to go into each card manually to ...
We have a task like: daily monitoring systems. So created a card with due date as of today and repeat it using card repeater all week days, It effectively repeats it but keeps the original due date. ...
The power up description says that the action will not workout if the card is deleted or moved to another board. Does archive count as "move"? If I just archive the template card will it still be rep...
So I have installed Card Repeater and set a few cards to repeat yearly. It say they will repeat on a certain date in 2023 and i click save. The cards don't repeat or show up on the calend...
I added the card repeater butler and want that the due dates on the cards should also update automatically as it pops in past due.
Hi There! My card repeater button just disappeared. Did this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know how I can edit my repeating cards etc. without seeing the button?
Hello, I Am using trello repeater so daily tasks are repeatedly shown. But it is not deleting overdue tasks and creating more cards of same ones. How do I set it up: so old overdue cards get automat...
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