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×Hi, It is unclear most of the time, what the actual status of a (parent) task is on our Jira board when the lane is collapsed. For example, a ticket multiple sub-tasks, some are committed, and s...
Hello ! I created a new Power-Up called Attachments Master for Trello which can mass download/copy attachments from different cards even on different boards , download all the a...
Hello ! I just created my first Trello Power-Up ( and hopefully it won't be the last ) ! It allows the user to translate whole boards, individual cards , labels and checklist items by using Deepl A...
...rioritized - Discovery - Execution - Done but the board shows it in a complete different order. I even added transitions from one state to another as I was wondering, if that might be the issue but it's s...
...pps could empower Scrum to Kanban transition or improve your Scrum with Kanban practices. "Advanced Kanban Boards” App for Jira - Kanban University Partner Webinar Series Check it out! C...
As a project admin, I would like to control the width of a board view column to clearly display the status name. Acceptance Criteria Expand the default width of a board view column Shrink the d...
Hi all, I would like to get the communities input on different ways you have configured 1 jira project to track the work of 3 different work streams. To clarify: 1 backlog, 3 work streams ...
...elp us improve the App and deliver you even better capabilities to advance your team and organization toward its desired business outcomes. The Advanced Agile and Kanban Boards App supports a...
Hi Everyone, I am doing some research work on the missing functionalities in azure boards that Jira cloud have I found some, Appreciate it if you can add more since I have a Least e...
We are not sure if we are doing something wrong, or if it is a board misconfiguration, but we are creating new Epics, and they do not show on the board. We are able to find them (recently created o...
In this Atlassian University Live webinar, we learned about the two types of agile boards in Jira Software, so you can determine the right board type for your team and then customize it to fit your s...
In this Atlassian University Live webinar, we cover the two types of agile boards in Jira Software, so you can determine the right board type for your team and then customize it to fit your s...
...cross different projects. So, I would like to visualize under the same board this group of people and the tasks they are working on. This seems to be possible, but what looks weird to me (at least the w...
Hi, We have set many workflow steps. Therefore, many columns on the board are thin. Show all columns with the right width and manage it side-scrolling. How can we widen the column? Is there a w...
I am currently configuring multiple software projects in Jira and we decided to make some adjustments to colors and filter options in the boards, but it seems like there is no global way to apply t...
...resents, the budgets, the statuses, etc. etc.! So what are the key ways that I make the most out of it?? One Board to rule them all. Very handy! A Christmas themed background. Not critical, but i...
Hello! I am looking to get some best practices and ideas. We have Next Gen boards and I don't have the option to archive boards (standard subscription). What do you do with your boards that you d...
Can we set Email notification if number of issues reach max limit in column and if a board is consisting if issues from multiple projects.
Hello SF Atlassian! Just another newbie that joined your lovely group. I have been using JIRA to manage sprints for about 5 years.
It's really hard for me to tell the different between priorities on a project board. High priority is red and medium priority is orange, and they use the same symbol. I can't read at a glance what i...
I'm just wondering what unique and proven methods do Jira admins find more preferable in organizing projects for their company? Do people find the labels as the most efficient way for organizat...
When working with multiple boards on the same project, there are several ways to differentiate between them. People who encountered with this challenge and found a solution that works - I will be h...
I had a great time sharing some of my Atlassian tips and tricks with you all last night about the power of Agile Boards in Jira. @Lizzie_Rogers and @Bethany Robinson thank you f...
...hey sign it electronically and then it gets emailed somewhere. Historically we've always worked with the following Jira distinctions. Never moved on the board ***************************** Epic: A c...
Hi @All here !! How get part of orphaned boards Groovy script for ScriptRunner which help retrieve a list of orphaned boards. What mean orphaned boards? After deleting old p...
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