Question - Is there a way to apply the BDD_Feature label to tasks so that tasks can be turned into features, enabling the Feature Content section so that scenarios can be added and the feature file c...
Background - My development organization is beginning to use BDD. It is a large org with 20+ dev teams. We use Jira and Zephyr. There are projects in Jira (20+) for each development team. A...
Background: Under Testing Board > Configure Product > Xray Settings > BDD Step Library It states "Whenever BDD steps are created or modified, Xray will index the steps to be displayed in a...
...ycle. And when the codes are more testable, it makes it easier to automate the codes, making deployment super easy. Introducing Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Although TDD became immensely p...
Hi, I use Xray 5.1.2 and I need to find cucumber Option on Xray to change Generate features file name using summary... It's about export file BDD feature to change the name of f...
I am excited to announce that we are hosting webinar on one of the most popular topics in testing - BDD. What's the topic and what to expect? BDD uses human readable narrative of the software u...
Going through all the different test management apps in the Atlassian Marketplace, I was wondering how important is to have a BDD feature in test management app? Looking for some valuable inputs here!
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is an agile software development process that encourages collaboration among team members in a software development project. What makes BDD special within the a...
Hello! I am getting a weird error when adding scenarios in my BDD_Feature test case using Zephyr. It's asking to fill out 'remaining and original estimate' but it's already filled out. &n...
...est Management for JIRA (Server) 2000 Users: Commercial License" From my research to integrate everything we will need also: 1. Cucumber for Jira(is this necesary?) 2. BDD feature for Z...
I have my iOS automation project built with pytest-bdd framework and appium. 1. I have created BDD scenario's on zephyr 2. Added them to a cycle 3. Downloaded the feature files 4. I r...
I'm embedding cucumber reports with screenshots using scenario.attach() which also embeds the screenshots byte code in the json file. However when I upload the json file through API, only the BDD t...
...I find some articles on the internet about writing BDD (Behaviour Driven Development) to make good user stories and how to apply the I.N.V.E.S.T mnemonic to user stories. I particularly find i...
On the TM4J - Test Management for Jira. Is it possible to change the language of BDD - Gherkin from English to Portuguese?
How To view/publish Serenity Report in Bitbucket Pipelines. For Passed and Failed Test cases to be more specific. Currently the report is generated in target/site/serenity/index.htm...
Is there a plugin that would allow JIRA user stories to be formatted in the Gherkin notation?
Hello all :) I've been searching for automation for a long time without finding the solution. I'm working on non-aggression tests, I'm given a user stories about Jira that gathers all the tests to ...
I was looking for but could not find any previous experience described. Is there any facilitator to apply BDD to test JIRA flows and permissions? The idea is to describe JIRA configuration r...
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