Hi, I'm trying to import my cucumber results to an existing JIRA issue like this: curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" --data @"cucumber-json-r...
Hello, After hitting this /rest/raven/2.0/import/execution/cucumber/multipart? api with below ~info and ~AI_sample cucumber json - it creates test execution but cucumber testcases are not m...
Hello there, I'm trying to import cucumber json to Jira (X-ray), but I'm facing few difficulties. I've included the specifics below. I have tried two api's of both 1.0 and 2.0 v...
Hello there, I'm trying to import cucumber json to Jira (X-ray), but I'm facing few difficulties. I've included the specifics below. I have tried two api's of both 1.0 and 2.0 v...
Hello there, I'm trying to import cucumber json to Jira (X-ray), but I'm facing few difficulties. I've included the specifics below. I have tried two api's of both 1.0...
Hey guys, I want to import the test results of our UI tests to the referring Jira Test Execution-Ticket using the v2 Cucumber Multipart API (POST /api/v2/import/execution/cucumber/multipart)....
In Cycle Summary, the folder cycle test are not displayed even though the task creation process in Integrations was successful. Please help me as soon as possible, and please give specific instructio...
As you can see in my example image below, it looks like i have to create a test-case for every scenario. But i would like to have one test-case and they should have multiple scenarios. Is this possib...
I am trying to integrate our Java Cucumber tests with Jira using Xray and I am facing the following scenario: I have a 2 cucumber feature files Each feature file has single feature definition E...
...eclarative: Post Actions) 18:19:13 [Pipeline] script ERROR: Importing Cucumber results has failed... ERROR: Exception occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'key' on n...
Currently, I'm using the xray cloud documentation for import cucumber test with the API: https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAYCLOUD/Importing+Cucumber+Tests+-+REST+v2 In the documentation m...
Hello, is it possible to add multiple scenarios to a single testcase in xRay? As you can see in my example image below, it looks like i have to create a test-case for every scenario. But i would li...
Task: I want to start automatic tests through Github Actions, when a developer pushes a change into the Github branch. The result of the test will automatically be uploaded to xRay as a test executi...
Hello, we started to use Xray Cloud to manage our test cases and feature files. To do that, we are using the api /api/v2/import/feature to import our feature files and link the tests to the requirem...
Importing cucumber JSON to XRay Test Execution does not return any errors but the results are not getting updated. Tests are getting added but not test results.
Hi, I am exporting a few Cucumber feature files via the XRAY API and I can see some tags are added for the test issue, test set, labels etc. I would like to add a test execution tag to the f...
Hi Team, We are using Jira with X-ray API. we have created all tests/Test sets with cucumber and filtered them with filter key. When I am trying to export the tests as cucumber we a...
I am getting a NPE when using endpoint -> https://jira:8080/rest/raven/1.0/import/feature?projectKey={KEY} I have tried using curl: curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u us...
Hello, I'am trying to import my cucumber execution results into XRay via. the REST API / cucumber-multipart and want to change the summary of the new created test execution in Jira. What i d...
Hello, I'm trying to import a feature file into XRAY through the REST API as specified in the docs here: https://docs.getxray.app/display/XRAY/Importing+Cucumber+Tests+-+REST I have t...
Currently, we need to export every Test associated to a TestPlan as a single feature file. When we use REST endpoint filtering by TestPlanId in one call (to export them as zip) tests are grouped in...
While importing the execution results into Jira using the API, the screenshots are not imported. API Endpoint: rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/cucumber/multipart Results file t...
Hi, I have just started Xray and started writing cucumber testcases. Few of my steps contains statements where I have to enter email address in a field. Example - When User enters "URL" And U...
Hi, I use Xray 5.1.2 and I need to find cucumber Option on Xray to change Generate features file name using summary... It's about export file BDD feature to change the name of f...
I cannot create new living documentation using the cucumber for Jira plugin. I am doing the following but am unsure what is going wrong, or likely what I am doing wrong. The steps are s...
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