I`ve created new service project on my site, then I`ve created two issues - Task and [System] Service request. In my app I try to display issue types icons and for Service request I can not get icon ...
I am trying to create multiple "assets" (over I am trying to create multiple "assets" (over 650). I will have 10 different asset types and I'm having a hard time with the avatar. I&n...
In project setting there is an option to change avatar But in repository settings there is not: How could we have different avatar for each repository ? Is there a file like logo.png f...
For some reason, I cannot see any avatar of any member of my organization in Jira. I know people have avatars, others can see them on their account, it is only me that can't see them. All I...
...everse+proxy. Most of the setting are in use now. But something is wrong with the avatar src. I check its html tag and show still as a format <server.ip:port> and this server.ip is not my nginx s...
...isplays as an avatar (without a name). The board view already displays the user's avatar and full name for a field with the 'People' field type (e.g. 'Owner') [see screenshot below], so I don't see why the s...
I needed to update a project that was created by someone else. Before I started, I noticed the issue avatars weren't showing up on the existing Kanban board. I needed to change the workflow and d...
One of my customer teams noticed today that their team-managed kanban board now has an Unassigned avatar next to the other users. Theirs is a private board, and the team lead was concerned if a non-t...
Jira Service Management comes with only a small set of project avatars. If I upload custom ones, they are displayed very blurry across the application. Does anyone know some resources for p...
When collaborating, our avatar/profile pictures communicate who we are to others. But those images also communicate back who we are to ourselves. For this reason, it's sometimes nice to see an i...
Hello humans, I have a million repositories, and I would like to make stepping through them a bit easier by colour-coding them using their avatars. Since it's an absolute **** to do this by hand, I...
Hello, I want to show only one single dimension from avatarUrls, but by default it showing all 4 dimension as shown "avatarUrls": { "48x48": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1212121212?d=h...
If a User visits another sprint board, that user's Avatar starts to appear on the visited sprint board. How to remove that user from the visited sprint board or how to stop that happening? T...
...rivate.atlassian.com/users/xxx:yyyy-dbfb-4f0c-a03e-zzzzzzzz/avatar?initials=public, I see: {"code":401,"message":"Unauthorized"} This avatar is visible on other Atlassian products, but using a different. U...
Hello A while ago when I closed and reopened my trello app in mac then I could no longer see anyone's avatars and I can only see their initials. I opened trello in the browser as well and I had t...
I had my avatar that I uploaded to bitbucket and after a while suddenly I see my avatar changed to a picture that I uploaded a while ago to a global data site how do I changed back to my u...
I have created a new user profile avatar for multiple user profiles using user profile manager but when I try to set the newly created avatar for user using AvatarService - setCustomUserAvatar m...
...rello and the Atlassian website. Both pages displayed my old avatar. I've done it twice. I'm not entirely sure how to fix this. Is it the fact that I'm reloading the page?
What size should an avatar for a project be ?
Hello: I have Automation for Jira added to our Cloud instance. The default Avatar is "AJ" I have a user requesting we change the avatar to the Automation icon: The r...
Currently, my letter avatar is purple with a white C on it. I would like to change it to a different color to make it easier to distinguish me from my fellow purple teammates. How do I do that?
Hello, In some Confluence spaces, I have seen the contributors avatars displayed in the created/last updated area of the pages. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to display such information....
Hi When we first started using JSD trial, when an agent commented or changed the status of an issue, the email received by the customer included the Avatar of the user who carried out the action T...
Hi, After updating to an Atlassian login I now have no profile picture / avatar and it isn't possible to update it anymore. Anyone got any ideas?
The avatar for the "Unassigned" user is missing and replaced by a broken link/image. See the screenshot. There is a similar question about how this happens in JIRA server. Do I need to access some l...
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