We’ve all heard stories of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands due to vulnerable APIs. A recent high-profile breach, linked to compromised credentials in a major enterprise system, serves a...
...equence The more interesting part was building the batch issue handler. Now, one could build for loops with API calls, and that's it's own brand of fun, orrrr.... one could use JMWE's iterator. B...
My organization manages "teams" through an in-house tool, as the team structure doesn't map to our Org chart and changes frequently. Is there a way to create Teams in Platform Experiences via an API...
...tatement Alright, Jira admins, listen up! We had a client who needed to validate custom JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) from a third-party provider. These JWTs were transformed through an API Gateway and included a...
Hello Atlassian Community, Happy Thursday!😄 I’m thrilled to be here and share some key insights about enhancing API security with all of you. While browsing through the community, I’ve noticed m...
Hi there, I saw this doc (https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/product-discovery/guides/integrations/overview#third-party) which indicates that their is an API for accessing insights. But t...
...ssential for security, but they're also equally vital for boosting efficiency! miniOrange is the only vendor in the Atlassian marketplace that offers a one-stop solution for both features. Our mO REST API P...
Is it possible to create a new entry in the database using an API, similar to creating Confluence pages?
Following the recent update to PAT tokens I came across an issue where the first token generated after the update is not working. I couldn't use the token to communicate with the API, I had an e...
@Tanguy Crusson - regarding the FAQ: 'Does Jira Product Discovery have an API?': Could you please clarify if there is a public REST API for creating ideas? For example, we'd like add t...
Have you ever tried to create a SQL source data querying the eazyBI DB ( also of another instance ) ? Or a REST API source data that has an url that correspond to an eazyBI report export ? W...
Hello to all I joined the Atlassian community by solving my problem with Powershell to update Jira plugins via UMP. So if I can help on powershell and Jira API, I'll be happy to. Best regards.
Hi, After a lot of trying I come to you. I want to create an atlassian-connect plugin for Jira Cloud which requires using Tempo's Rest API in order to retrieve account information and especially m...
We have Jira automation for several recurring tasks. The API to create an issue was working and able to set the assignee. But the recent tickets are creating with Unassigned. Python l...
How to find project details attached with particular XYZ group using REST API ?
Hi! It is interesting - how do you get rid of long and verbose Jira Java API calls using Groovy tricks? As for me, i've found rather elegant way (besides making regular helper classes) to use G...
#!/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use JIRA::REST; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Std; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling); my $jira = JIRA::REST->new({ url => 'htt...
...IRA_URL_1="https://jira.linx.com.br/rest/api/2/issue/TEST-1/comment" JIRA_URL_2="https://jira.linx.com.br/rest/api/2/issue/$ID/comment" (NOT WORKING) curl -k -u 'user':'pass' -X POST --d...
PROBLEM There's so little python examples of Jira or other Atlassian Cloud REST API calls out there. Even fewer that aren't out-of-date and actually work. The key is really finding examples of s...
Hello, How Can We change the view of the report (SprintReport) in Jira? Now we view as the next display (Story Points VS time): And We would like to view as the next display (Remaining...
Using ScriptRunner for JIRA (Server), I want to create a custom field (HTML) that shows the ID and Summary fields of the child issues in the epic. How would I get that list of data using JIRA's API?
I am struggling to update the time estimation through the API, can anybody help me regarding this issue? Is it possible to update following attributes through the API? (a...
I am wondering is such connector avalible? I know there was a Sharepoint and JIRA Connector before...However it is not availble now....
Hello all How to synch two different JIRA's using Rest API . here i am using JAVA Script . How to connect these two systems using JAVA . Thanks
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