Jira's export limit is set to 1000 rows. Is there a way to increase that limit?

Jorge Santana
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January 20, 2023

Trying to export via cloud

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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 20, 2023

Hi @Jorge Santana and welcome to the atlassian community,

There isn't a way to increase the limit of the export. There is an open suggestion which you can vote and watch here https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRACLOUD-25493

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 20, 2023
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Jorge Santana
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January 20, 2023

Thank you!

Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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January 20, 2023

@Jorge Santana kindly mark my answer as accepted, in order to help others in the community to find proper answers to similar questions. Thank you!

2 votes
Christopher Witte August 1, 2023

I see that hundreds, if not thousands of users across the internet are trying to solve this same shortcoming with Jira. All solutions involve add-ins, paid solutions or taking large amounts of time editing URLs and downloading chunks of data at a time and pasting it together. For large companies that are using Jira and Align, these solutions are not feasible. We often have 15k+ records that we are trying to export (because the built in reporting tools are not robust enough nor flexible enough). 

I find it absurd that these are the only ways to export more than 1,000 records.  That is not even many records. We produce that many user stories in one sprint. How is this not being solved inside the native Cloud functionality?

Yohannes Shenkute April 22, 2024

I 100% agree with you! This is not acceptable at all. 

Jamie Edmondson June 7, 2024

Hello @Christopher Witte - I just happened to come across your comment about the limitations of the Jira issue export. Did you ever receive a solution for this? If not, what are doing to work around it?

Yohannes Shenkute June 7, 2024

unfortunately, no inbuilt solution so far. I gave up towards this effort; don't like the entangled work arounds either.


ELFAPP Technologies June 7, 2024

Hi Jamie and Yohannes

I believe due to the intensive resources required to generate larger rows of CSV data, this feature isn't native to the UI. However, you can use our app free for 30 days to get your tasks done while you search for alternatives. If you decide it's not for you, simply cancel before the 30 days are up with no commitment.

If you need more time to evaluate our solution, feel free to reach out to our support team for a friendly chat. Our goal is to free up administrator time for more important tasks, so you can start getting things done right away while you continue your search.

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Prince Nyeche
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January 24, 2023

As the other community members here have mentioned, this is not available on the cloud. If you're looking for a way to export all your issues into a single file without that 1K limit then just use REST API. A typical example of this is well explained in this article.

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Rising Star
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January 22, 2023

The export limit of 1000 rows is set by Jira and it is not configurable by users. However, there are a few ways to work around this limitation and export more than 1000 rows:

  1. Break the export into smaller chunks: Instead of exporting all the data in one go, you can divide the data into smaller chunks and export them separately. This can be done by using JQL (Jira Query Language) to filter the data by specific criteria and then export each set of data separately.

  2. Use an external tool: There are a number of third-party tools available that can be used to export data from Jira. These tools often have the ability to export more than 1000 rows at a time and may also offer additional features such as the ability to export data in different formats.

  3. Use Jira's REST API: Jira's REST API allows you to export data in a structured format. You can use the API to retrieve a large amount of data and then use a script to process and export the data as needed.

  4. Use the Jira's Database: If your organization allows it, you can directly access the Jira's database, and export the data from there, as the limit of 1000 rows does not apply to data retrieved from the database. This method requires knowledge of SQL and should be done by a developer or a DBA.

Keep in mind that if you are using an external tool or the Jira's REST API, you need to have the right permission to access the data.

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