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Automation smart value

argine.avagyan November 7, 2022

Dear Jira community, 

May I create a rule(automation) which in particular statuses transitions if the optional filed value is "Something" and change the value to "Another"??? 

Thanks in advance for answering!!!


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Jack Brickey
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November 7, 2022

Hi @argine.avagyan , i'm not sure I understand completely what you're used case is but let me give it a try to get it started.

First, it seems that you want to trigger on a transition and then you want a condition associated with statuses. For this, you should set your trigger to transition and use the From status and To status parameters to meet your needs needs. 

next, if I'm reading this correctly, do you want to query the value of a custom field and if it happens to be a certain value do you want to change it to something else. Assuming this is correct then you would have a condition that compares the value of this custom field. You likely want to use an if/else block here, but that depends exactly on your needs.

can you give it a try by creating the rule and then as you get stuck post an image of what you have back here so we can continue the discussion.

argine.avagyan November 8, 2022

Thanks for answering!
have been needing it when the issue transitioned from "status" to "status" and the field value is "example. value" automation should change this field value to "example value". The field is optional and there are limited options that can select in this field. Actually, I already got what I need. So whatever thanks a lot.

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