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How to make Priority field editable for a customer in Jira Service Management?

Juho Itä August 8, 2022


I cannot find a way to make Priority field editable for the customer. Customer can create a ticket and choose Priority, but it cannot be changed afterwards by the customer.

Is this possible to achieve?

Here's the customer view:

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Tansu Akdeniz
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August 8, 2022

Hi @Juho Itä 

Fields can not be edited after creation. There is an open ticket JSDCLOUD-2368. Please vote and watch it. 

There are some paid add-ons in the marketplace. Please check this one for cloud.

Juho Itä August 8, 2022

Thanks, I didn't find that ticket!

Kate Pawlak [Appsvio]
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February 15, 2023

I've already noticed that you mentioned our app - Feature Bundle for Jira Service Management. Thank you!


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Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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August 8, 2022

@Juho Itä -

Out of the box, it is not possible for customers to edit his/her reported issue after it is created.  All they can do (in general) is by adding his/her comments.

You can implement Forms into your Request Type UI, where from there, you can configure it for customers to edit his/her Forms -

Here is a quick video from Atlassian on reopening a Form for EDIT -

Hope this helps.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Juho Itä August 8, 2022

Did I get this correct?

  1. Create a Form.
  2. Customer fills the Form/Ticket.
  3. If the customer wants to change something, they need to inform Service Agent via the ticket and then Agent can reopen a certain ticket's Form.

Can the Forms be editable all the time or does the Service Agent need to reopen the Form everytime customer wants to change something?

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