Project Automation - Send Emails to specific Project Roles when an issue is created

Andy Case
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April 29, 2020

Project Automation - Send Emails to specific Project Roles when an issue is created

I want to send an email to our project test lead, when an issuetype=bug is created.

When I created a Rule for this in the Project (via Project automation), it only allowed me to send the email high level roles that had been setup organisation-wide. I couldnt select roles created fr the Project itself.

5 answers

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Ollie Guan
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April 29, 2020

Hello @Andy Case 

This feature is still in Backlog.

Hema Dhulab
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May 28, 2020

Hello @Ollie Guan 

How do we vote for this issue? I dont see any links to vote or even provide a comment.

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Jessie Chia September 10, 2020

Looking forward to this feature too.

Like Erik Mathijs likes this
Delta Development December 22, 2020

O wow this would be nice!

We have some member as 'project lead', this is the team leader AND a project leader.

So, actually we have two 'leading' roles for a project which we would like to add as smart value in automation.

Also, we have multiple disciplines like HW, SW designers, mechanical (metal) designers, (pre)production, and purchases. People are added to projects based on roles. Addressing project members in automation based on Roles would be very usefull and most of all: UNIVERSAL.

So yes, this feature is VERY usefull.

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David Jones November 29, 2021

Jeez this seems like a simple thing to add. 

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Giorgi Tsitsvidze January 11, 2021

try this {{issue.project.lead.emailAddress}}

Mohamad Zind
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June 21, 2023

thank you for this, this works perfectly :)

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February 28, 2024

hi @Giorgi Tsitsvidze #

any updates for project roles`?

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Andrej Freeze _ greenique
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April 29, 2020

Hey Andy,

you're right with that. Choosing project roles is currently not supported. However you do have the ability to select single users. So in case you really have a single person for testing, simply enter their E-Mail Adress oder choose their account, and he will be notified.

Alternatively you can try the following workaround:

1. When a bug is created, assign it automatically to that person. This way they should be notified as well, and if not: add them as watcher too!

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Nir Haimov
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April 29, 2020

Hi @Andy Case 

I think it's not possible.

In email you can use smart values, and few more (as you said) high level roles that had been setup organisation-wide.

Smart values are only for the triggered issue, there is no option to select any project field.

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