📰 Your Weekly Stack of Tech News! | 21st November 2022

Hi Everyone! 👋

Welcome to another Weekly Stack of Tech News! 

Bringing you the weekly dose of what's going on in the Atlassian Tech world, so you don’t miss out on any announcements big or small.

There has been no shortage of product updates and exciting releases this week.

Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy!


💼 Product Updates & Tech News

(JSM) Improvements to Jira Service Management DC's Assets interface

 Two major milestones have been completed: Uplifting Assets - adding core asset and configuration management capabilities to the product and also Rebranding Insight to Assets.

(Analytics) A simpler way to explore your data with Visual SQL

A number of updates have been released to the schema browser for visual mode queries. The updates will automatically be available for any new Data Lake connections going forward.

(JPD) Upcoming product improvements + Atlas integration ready for early testers

Tanguy has put together 2 videos breaking down some upcoming product improvements and also Boulders (new bets and features). Be sure to leave a comment with some feedback!

(Compass) Search improvements: Bookmarkable URLs and clickable labels

Two more updates have been released. Bookmarkable URLs: bookmark your search queries, filters, and all // Clickable labels: click on a label on a component to go to a list of components with that label.

(Analytics) New Feature: Dashboard Templates

The Atlassian team has put together and released a selection of pre-built templates to use when creating a new dashboard to help you hit the group running.

(JPD) Announcing Jira Product Discovery pricing

Jira Product Discovery is confirmed to eventually release to General Availablity. No GA date has been announced. The Atlassian team has also released the expected pricing model for JPD, although it will remain free until GA.

(Jira) Coming soon: Roadmaps are becoming more powerful on Jira Cloud for iOS and Android

Child Issues and Roll-Up Dates will soon be released on Jira Mobile for both iOS and Android.

(Compass) Welcoming the Home page to Compass

Compass users can now view everything they need to know about the software components and architecture health on the new Home Page.

(Migration Program) A new security feature for Cloud Migration Assistants

A new feature has been released to help you proactively audit the email domains associated with the users you’re planning to migrate to the cloud, decreasing the possibility of malicious actors obtaining access to your cloud instance.

Jira 9.4 / JSM 5.4 LTS released

With the newly released Jira 9.4 and Jira Service Management 5.4, you can find all of the improvements and features that have shipped since Jira Software 8.20 and Jira Service Management 4.20. If you’re lost as to what that includes, Andrzej has included links to all the feature releases & updates within that period.

(JSM) Jira Service Management – Internal customers: Just-in-time!

If you are using SAML-based Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning via Atlassian Access - Internal customers will now be able to sign up via the Help Center login page and have Atlassian accounts provisioned automatically.

(Confluence) Say hello to the new Confluence for iPad

If you’re a Confluence user on your iPad, you may have noticed the redesigned navigation, Keyboard navigation, and keyboard shortcuts. If you haven’t noticed it, well, you need to update the app silly.

(Bitbucket) Bitbucket Data Center and Server 8.6 release notes

The 8.6 release brings us an udated Audit log feature for faster, more powerful performance.


📰 Atlassian News & Announcements

Update: Atlassian’s path to FedRAMP

Atlassian will not be able to achieve FedRAMP Moderate authorization in 2023. This announcement also brings further updates and clarification on Atlassian's focus on Data Center moving forward along with a renewed focus on Marketplace Partners.


🗞 Partner News


Partners News has now moved to the partner-focused Marketplace Clarity Slack channel! See you there :)


Well, that’s it for this week! We’d love to hear any thoughts on the topics we’ve covered, so please do leave a comment for others to find.

Thanks again for reading and see you next week!


Head of Marketing at Izymes - our mission is to eliminate boring from work. We build apps such as to turbo-charge team velocity through contextual automation.

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Taranjeet Singh
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November 22, 2022

Thank for sharing these amazing updates and news, @Sean Manwarring _Izymes_ ! Great work!

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